Committee Report on Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill

Budget Committee (WCPP)

27 November 2018
Chairperson: Mr D Joseph (DA)
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Meeting Summary

The Budget Committee considered the various Standing Committee reports on the votes in the schedule to the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B 6-2018]. The Committee supported the Bill, and the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the Bill.

Meeting report

Draft Committee Report on Votes One to Fourteen.

The Chairperson said the meeting was going to deal with the consideration and adoption of the draft Committee Report on the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill, 2018.

The Chairperson said that all the Committees had voted to support the vote. The minority view was also recorded in the reports of each individual committee.

The Chairperson provided a summary of each of the reports to the Committee

Vote One: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the vote.

Vote Two: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the vote.

Vote Three: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the vote.

Vote Four: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the vote.

Vote Five: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the vote.

Vote Six: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the vote.

Vote Seven: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the vote.

Vote Eight: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the vote.

Vote Nine: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the vote.

Vote Ten: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its minority view that it had concluded its deliberation on the vote.

Vote Eleven: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC reserved its right to express its view.

Vote Twelve: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its right to express its right to express its view.

Vote Thirteen: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the vote.

Vote Fourteen: The Committee supported the vote, but the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the vote.

Mr S Tyatyam (ANC) indicated, regarding vote eleven, that the ANC did not support the vote.

The Chairperson read to the Committee its draft report on the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriations Bill [B6-2018] dated 27 November 2018.

He said the Budget Committee reports that it has concluded its deliberation on the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B6-2018], referred to the Committee in terms of rule 187. It had considered the various Standing Committee reports on the votes in schedule B to the Bill. The Committee reports that it supports the Bill. The ANC expressed its minority view not to support it.

The meeting was adjourned



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