Committee Report on Revised Addis Convention on Recognition of Higher Education Studies

NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries

11 September 2018
Chairperson: Ms L Zwane (ANC; KZN)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee reviewed 9 sets of minutes. Led by the Chairperson, the Committee went through them individually, page-by-page. Members were satisfied that the minutes were an accurate reflection of the proceedings and approved them without amendments.

The Committee – through the support of 5 provinces - adopted the Revised Addis Convention on Recognition of Higher Education Studies and recommended to the House that it be ratified. The Chairperson emphasised that the convention was in South Africa’s best interest.

Meeting report

The Chairperson opened the meeting by welcoming Members.

Consideration of Outstanding Minutes

The Committee reviewed 8 sets of minutes. Led by the Chairperson, the Committee went through them individually, page-by-page.

Members were satisfied that the minutes were an accurate reflection of the proceedings and approved them without amendments.

The order of the minutes was as follows:

-Minutes of 25th April 2018: Briefing by the following on their 2018/19 APPs and Budget: Umalusi and South African Council of Educators

-Minutes of 16th May 2018: Briefing by the Department of Basic Education on its APP and Budget Vote

-Minutes of 23rd May 2018: Briefing by the Department of Arts and Culture on its 2018/19 APP and Budget.

-Minutes of 30th May 2018: Briefing by the Department of Sports and Recreation on its 2018/19 APP and Budget.

-Minutes of 6th June 2018: 2018/19 APP and Budget being a briefing by the following: Council for Higher Education (CHE) and Quality Council of Trades and Occupations (QCTO)

-Minutes of 13th June 2018: Briefing by the Department of Arts and Culture and the Cultural and Creative Industries Federation of South Africa on support given to the Federation in terms of both Upcoming and Experienced Artists

Minutes of 27th June 2018: Briefing by all Education MECs on the following: Matric results, Centralised LTSM Procurement Systems and National School Nutrition Programme

Minutes of 8th August 2018: Briefing by the South African College Principals Organization on challenges regarding certification of TVET students

Ratification of the Addis Convention

The Chairperson indicated that despite having been briefed on the Addis Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and other Academic Qualifications in Higher Education in African States by the Department of Higher Education, the Committee was yet to agree on whether to ratify it because the process of ratification was yet to be outlined.

She urged Members to agree to the ratification of the Convention. She outlined the essence of the Convention and indicated that it was in line with other Statutes and the Constitution. She also indicated that it was in South Africa’s best interest to ratify the Convention so as to benefit from the structures the Convention has put in place and so as to be able to engage in other exchange programmes across the continent.

She read out the contents of the document by which the Committee would recommend that the House approves the Addis Convention, should the Members come to a consensus on the matter. She asked Members for their views on the matter.

The delegate representing the Eastern Cape pointed out that Members had not been issued with the report on among others, the legislative provisions for implementation following the deliberations on the Addis Convention.

The Chairperson requested the subordinate staff to make copies and to circulate this to Members.

In a few minutes, Members were issued with the report (dated 26th June 2018) as well as the minutes of 15th August 2018. 

The Chairperson then made reference to Page 4 of the Report dated 26th June 2018 and took the Members through the section on the legislative provisions for the implementation of the Addis convention and finally the section whereby the Committee unequivocally indicated that the convention was going to assist students across the continent and that it would make South Africa the best destination for higher education.

All the Members present, being the delegates for Limpopo, the Eastern Cape, the Northern Cape and the North West individually expressed their contentment and agreement with the decision to ratify the Addis Convention as per the report. There were 5 votes in total, including that of the Chairperson.

Committee Minutes

The Chairperson then took the Members page by page through the minutes dated 15th August 2018. A motion was set to have the minutes adopted and thereafter the same was seconded.

The Chairperson thanked Members for agreeing to sit on a day which is not ordinarily set for Education and Recreation matters.

The meeting was adjourned.


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