Public Enterprises Budget: Committee Report

Public Enterprises

10 May 2018
Chairperson: Ms L Mnganga-Gcabashe (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met to consider and adopt (with amendments) the Budget Vote Report for the Department of Public Enterprises.

Members suggested that there should be timeframes to recommendations particularly on these where the Committee was still waiting for feedback. There was also a suggestion that those issues that had been flagged by the Auditor-General (AG) needed to be taken into consideration in the recommendations by the Report.

The Committee then deliberated on the preliminary programme to be followed in the adoption of the report on Eskom Inquiry. There was an indication that the Committee would be extremely busy as would be dealing with the Eskom Inquiry and Members should be prepared to work even during the recess and constituency period. The Committee would meet on 30 May 2018 to find a way forward. The Committee might have a draft report that can be published and get into those people that are implicated in the Report. The Committee would still need to find a date to deliberate and then adopt the report on the Eskom Inquiry. We would need to find an earlier date in August to present the report in Parliament. The Committee was still to sit together to see to decide on ideal dates for the Committee to meet and deliberate on the Eskom Inquiry.

Meeting report

Public Enterprises Budget: Committee Report

The Chairperson indicated that she would read out the Budget Vote Report and then Members would point out those issues that required special attention.

Ms D Rantho (ANC) stated that the Report should be explicit that the Committee was concerned about the way in which board members are being appointed.

M N Singh (IFP) agreed. The Committee was concerned about the fact that the prescripts were not being followed in the appointment of board members.

Members agreed with the suggestion.

Mr R Tseli (ANC) said that the Committee had not gone through the investigation of people implicated in corruption under recommendations in 7.1. The proposal is to remove “investigation” and include the words “take action for consequence management”.

Ms Rantho mentioned that there are deeper issues that should be investigated further particularly on maladministration and corruption. It looked like the sentence in paragraph 7.1 was referring to further investigation on corruption.

Ms T Mahambehlala (ANC) commented that Parliament must allow the Department to play its role in dealing with corruption. It looked like 7.1 is perfectly fine in its current form and therefore it should be retained. Parliament had already done its work in the fight against corruption. 

Mr Singh reminded the Committee that there was still another inquiry of Justice Zondo and the Committee indicated that there would be another inquiry on Denel, Transnet and other state-owned entities.

The Chairperson said that there was an indication that some of the work would be done by the Sixth Parliament [new Parliament after 2019 elections].

Members agreed that recommendation on 7.1 should be retained as is.

Mr Tseli suggested that there should be timeframes to some recommendations particularly on these where the Committee was still waiting for feedback.

Members agreed that this indeed should be taken into consideration.

Mr Singh added that in fact there should be timeframes to all the recommendations. The Committee could say that the feedback must be expected within 60 days.

The Chairperson asked as to what would happen if this was not possible. It would be difficult to put this timeframe to some of the recommendations but this could be taken onboard.

Mr Tseli indicated that there are issues that had been flagged by the Auditor-General (AG) and these needed to be taken into consideration in the recommendations.

The Chairperson asked Members to adopt the Budget Vote Report.

Mr Singh moved for adoption of the Report and was seconded by Mr Tseli.

Mr E Marais (DA) said that the DA reserved its position on the Report.

Mr Singh said that the IFP did not have any problem with the Report and the recommendations are very sound. He maintained however that there was still no need for the Department of Public Enterprises as all state owned entities should fall under line functions. The Minister should start consolidating together all these entities.

The Report was adopted with amendments.

Committee Programme

The Chairperson mentioned that the focus should now be on the Committee Programme particularly in relation to the Eskom Inquiry.

Ms Rontho commented that the Committee would be extremely busy as it would be dealing with the Eskom Inquiry and Members should be prepared to work even during the recess and constituency period. The Committee would meet on 30 May 2018 to find a way forward. The Committee might have a draft report that can be published and get into those people that are implicated in the Report. The Committee would still need to find a date to deliberate and then adopt the report on the Eskom Inquiry. We would need to find an earlier date in August to present the report in Parliament.                                             

The Chairperson indicated that the Committee would need to communicate with the House Chairperson on the programme to be followed. There would be a need to sit together to decide on ideal dates for the Committee to meet and deliberate on the Eskom Inquiry. 

Mr Marais stated that he would not be available for the meeting on 30 May as it would be Monday and he needed to be in his constituency.

The meeting was adjourned.

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