Western Cape Appropriation Bill 2018: Provincial Treasury

Finance (WCPP)

15 March 2018
Chairperson: Mr D Joseph (DA)
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Meeting Summary

Members went through the Draft Committee Report on Vote 3: Provincial Treasury. The Committee touched on various aspects of the Report which still needed attention such as the requested funded and unfunded vacancy lists, co -funding received by municipalities, Kannaland  municipality’s progress report on the implementation of GRAP, possible legislative amendments regarding appointment and removal of board members of the Western Cape Gambling Board, concern over the impact of the increase in the price of VAT on service delivery and how the increase would be funded and that the Committee be briefed on how the increase in VAT was to be funded and the water related business continuity plan.

The Draft Committee Report on Vote 3: Provincial Treasury was adopted with amendments.

Committee minutes dated 9 March 2018 were adopted with minor amendments.

With the Draft Committee Programme, one amendment was made to the shifting of a date of a meeting from 25 April to 30 May to accommodate a by-election.

Meeting report

Draft Committee Report Vote 3: Provincial Treasury

On 1.1.1 in the Draft Report, Mr P Uys (ANC) noted that an organogram was requested but he did not think it was for a full organogram and the approved funding vacancy list. The Committee had asked for the approved funded and unfunded vacancy list. Further comments from Mr Uys included:

-On 1.1.2, on the bursary programme, he had wanted to know about co-funding by municipalities so that it could be added to the Report.

-On 1.1.4, Kannaland municipality needed to send a progress report on implementation of GRAP because it was the only municipality whose report on the implementation of GRAP was outstanding.

-On 1.1.5, the Committee asked for a breakdown of the list of sales of goods and services.

-On 1.1.6, the MEC, who had given his point of view on the dispute between the Auditor-General of SA and the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, should provide that point of view in writing to the Committee.

-On 1.1.7, there was no proposed legislation. He proposed the legislation be looked at for possible amendment so that when there were interviews to fill a vacancy, the shortlist should be ranked so that one did not have to go through the interview process again. Secondly, the legislation on appointment and removal of board members should be amended.   

On 1.2, the Chairperson asked for clarity regarding the two vacancies.

Mr R Mackenzie (DA) said the Committee wanted a status report on the two vacancies in the Western Cape Gambling Board.

Mr Uys was concerned about the increase in VAT and that there was no funding for this increase in VAT. What impact would that have on service delivery? The recommendations should include that the Committee be briefed on how the increase in VAT would be funded.

On the resolution where the Committee invited Provincial Treasury to brief it on its business continuity plan, Mr Uys recommended the briefing clearly state that it was about the water-related business plan.

The Draft Committee Report on Vote 3: Provincial Treasury, was adopted with amendments.

Committee Minutes dated 9 March 2018

The Committee adopted its minutes dated 9 March 2018, with minor amendments.

Draft Committee Programme

On the Draft Committee Programme, a request was made by the Programming Authority Committee that 25 April was the date of a by-election and no meetings be scheduled for that day. The Committee meeting scheduled for that date would then be shifted to 30 May.

The meeting was adjourned


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