Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board: interviews & probity check outcomes

Finance (WCPP)

31 January 2018
Chairperson: Mr D Joseph (DA)
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Meeting Summary

The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed all in attendance. In terms of Rule 70 of the Standing Rules the Committee Resolved to conduct the KPMG probity report briefing session in camera. The Committee resolved to make a decision relating to the interviews later in the meeting.

The Provincial Treasury, briefed the Committee on the process leading up to the interviews to fill the vacancies on the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board as well as the criteria for the scoresheet to ensure a representative board was maintained.

The Committee resolved to conduct the interviews in camera and proceeded to interview the candidates despite the ANC protesting the suggestion. The Committee recommended the following candidates, in order of preference: Mr D Lakay, Ms V Fredricks and Ms N Magazi.

The Committee resolved that Provincial Treasury brief it on the long list of possible candidates to serve on the Board prior to the finalisation of the shortlist.

Meeting report

The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed all in attendance. The Chairperson proposed the application of Rule 70 of the Standing Rules to conduct the KPMG probity report briefing session in camera.

Mr T Simmers (DA) agreed that the KPMG briefing must be closed and suggested that the interviews be opened the public for the sake of transparency.

Mr R Mackenzie (DA) suggested that the interviews be in camera for the sake of fairness to eliminate prejudice for candidates being interviewed hours apart.

The committee resolved to conduct the KPMG probity report briefing session in camera and deliberate on how to go about the interviews after that.

Briefing by Provincial Treasury

Mr H Malila, DDG: Fiscal and Economic Services, Western Cape Provincial Treasury, said that the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board (WCRGB) has seven members and two vacancies were created due to upcoming expiry of board memberships on 11 February 2018 and 10 March 2018. He said that the advertisement process had been started.

The DDG said that there were 5 males and two females on the board, one White and one Indian member with the rest being Coloured and African in as far as representation was concerned. The board representation is a reflection of the population dynamics in the Western Cape. The shortlisting of the candidates followed the same criteria with contribution to the institution, skills gap, community experience and previous board experience, population dynamic and gender representation being some of the key score areas. 9 candidates out of 31 were shortlisted based on that criteria.

The DDG concluded that the Provincial Treasury (PT) met with KPMG Western Cape executives to question their ability to do the probity process due to the media concerns surrounding KPMG and the PT was satisfied with the letter response from KPMG in terms of the governance arrangements made to deal with the issues.


Mr Simmers asked if the two members being interviewed but were already on the board, Mr T Arendse and Mr D Lakay, were allowed to continue serving on the board after the interviews and if there was a limit on number of terms.

The DDG responded that they were allowed to continue until their terms ended. He said that there was no particular limit on the number of terms to be served but both candidates were in their first term.

Mr R Mackenzie (DA) asked which committees and the level of expertise the outgoing members had so that the committee could have an idea on the replacement. He also asked the years of experience on the board for the 5 remaining members.

The DDG said that both had finance and governance experience. One was the chairperson of the board. The DDG said that all the members were in the first term but in different stages.

The Chairperson asked why some members with relevant board experience were not shortlisted.

The DDG said that board experience was only but one requirement on the criteria scoresheet and only the people with a required combination were shortlisted.

Briefing by KPMG on Outcomes of the Probity Process; Interviews for vacancies on WCRGB

This part was closed to the public due to the sensitive nature of the candidate’s private information.

The Committee, having interviewed the candidates and reaching consensus recommended the following candidates, in order of preference:

  • Mr D Lakay
  • Ms V Fredricks
  • Ms N Magazi

Consideration of Draft Committee Report on Recommended Candidates

The Committee resolved that Provincial Treasury brief it on the longlist of possible candidates to serve on the Board prior to the finalisation of the shortlist.

The meeting was adjourned.

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