Mineral Resources Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report

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Mineral and Petroleum Resources

11 October 2017
Chairperson: Mr S Luzipho (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met briefly to consider and adopt the Mineral Resources Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report.

In addition, Members briefly discussed the continued absence of certain Members of the Committee and if this had been followed up with the relevant structures.

Meeting report

Committee Attendance
Mr M Matlala (ANC) raised an issue about the continued absence of members of Parliament and in particular certain members of the Mineral Resources Committee who do not honour committee meetings. In relation to this, he recalled that the Committee Secretary was requested to check with the House Chairperson (in charge of Committees) about the status of Mr Mokoena from the EFF and sought an update on this. He wanted an update because he was not sure if the Committee would get a report on this before the recess break. It was previously said that verification must be done with the Chair of the Chairs and the Speaker of the National Assembly about members who are always absent from committee meetings. If the secretary does not have the report about how far the matter has been dealt with; it should then be presented at the following meeting.

The Chairperson stated that he was sure the Speaker would answer but to the best of his recollection if a member is absent with apologies then it is as if the member has been active. Mr Mokoena has been absent with apologies and therefore it is as if he has been active in the meeting.

The Committee Secretary stated that she has submitted a letter to the Chief Whip and it was returned and that Mr Mokoena has been submitting apologies to her. She stated further that the attendance registers were submitted weekly and sent to the various political parties and they were responsible to check the attendance of their representatives.

Mineral Resources Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report
The Chairperson tabled the document for consideration. He indicated that the Committee would go through it page by page and Members could give their input.

The Chairperson further stated that the first page was referring to the mandate of the Committee. He then went through the report outline and overview.

Mr H Schmidt (DA) stated that he was at the JSC last week and therefore could not attend the Committee Meetings. He wanted to know what the motivation was for the second recommendation and the ECDP Marshall should provide interpretation about section 74, what were the reasons for those treatment agencies.

The Chairperson explained that section 74 allows certain operations or operators to apply for exemptions in terms of their compliances, the issue was then in terms of section 74 and its interpretation, to what extent is the allowance made with section 74.

Nkosi Z Mandela (ANC) stated that he would like to move for the adoption of the Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of the Portfolio Committee of Mineral Resources as a true reflection of the meetings held with amendments acknowledged.

Ms V Nyambi (ANC) stated that she seconded.

Outstanding Minutes

The Chairperson asked if members could look at the minutes of 6 September 2017.

The Chairperson asked if there were any mover or seconder of the minutes.

Mr I Pikinini (ANC) stated that he wished to accept the minutes as a true reflection of the meeting held.

Ms M Mafolo (ANC) seconded the adoption of the minutes.

The Chairperson asked if there were any matters arising. No matter arose.

The Chairperson then asked members to refer to the minutes of 3 and 4 October 2017.

Mr M Matlala interrupted that on the minutes of the 4th October 2017, on page 4, the first sentence, the board members name was spelt as “Ramagopa”, instead of “Ramogopa”.

Nkosi Z Mandela stated that he would like to move for the adoption of the 3rd and 4th October 2017 as a true reflection of the meetings the Committee of Mineral Resources had with the Department and its entity regarding the BRRR

Ms V Nyambi stated that she seconded the minutes of the 3rd and 4th October 2017 as a true reflection of the meetings held

The Chairperson asked if there were any matters arising. No matters arose.

The Chairperson informed the Committee, that next week the Minister would be present as the Committee would be dealing with the instructions from the House Chair and what the Committee should do. The Chairperson added that on the following day the Committee would deal with the issue of state capture and that all announcements mentioned were in writing.

The chairperson then dismissed the committee and the meeting was adjourned


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