Report on Study Tour to Germany: discussion
NCOP Public Enterprises and Communication
28 May 2003
Meeting Summary
A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.
Meeting report
28 May 2003
Document handed out:
Report on a study tour in Germany 22 - 25 April 2003 (Unrevised version)
A delegation was nominated to visit Germany to learn from other countries. Strategies compared were communication, labour, and public enterprises. Chairperson read the report on the study tour to Germany to the Committee for recommendations and suggestions.
Chairperson Ms C Nkuna (ANC) stated that the adoption of strategic planning workshop would be dealt with in the next meeting. The study tour report was discussed in this meeting. She said that they were not going to debate the tour but members were asked to go through the report and see where they could make an input. It would be finalised in the next meeting. The chairperson said that if there was any input it should be submitted to the committee clerk.
Ms C Nkuna stated that a delegation was nominated to visit Germany as stated in the objectives of the report. Please refer to attached Report on Study Tour in Germany. The intention was to learn from other countries and see if their strategies could work on three spheres such as communication, labour, and public enterprise.
In Germany the South African Embassy assisted members by taking them to different places. In this tour they met with the German Bundesrat which worked like the NCOP in South Africa - the only difference being that it had more powers than NCOP. The Chairperson Ms C Nkuna (ANC) stated that this was where their expertise could be found. The Bundesrat dealt with bills that affected state finance, bills that changed constitution and bills that dealt with administration jurisdiction that affected the state (decisions on consent bills). Ms C Nkuna (ANC) stated that the Bundesrat sat for legislation within three to nine weeks in the Bundesrat but in South Africa everything was debated in the NCOP. Laws were passed by the Bundesrat.
Mr. Lever (DP) commented on the privatisation of railways. He stated that the South African government used Britain as an example. The government said that it was not adequate because the (British) privatise certain lines, not the whole system.
Mr. Lever (DP) made the following recommendations that competition with main fixed line should be introduced in phases, first competition was allowed overseas, second competition was allowed in internal cause and the third completion was allowed with regard to local cause. Mr Lever (DP) stated that during their visit to Germany radio operator system was used as a form of communication and therefore he recommended that it should be used in South Africa as it cuts out cable theft.
Mr. Lever (DP) suggested that skills development should be added to the conclusion as it is the most important force of the future.
A member suggested that they mention all the places that they visited in Germany by names as it would be useful information.
Ms C Nkuna (ANC) stated that the report was approved by the committee.
Th meeting was adjourned.
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