Committee Report on Mineral Resources Budget

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Mineral and Petroleum Resources

10 May 2017
Chairperson: Mr S Luzipho (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The meeting was a consideration of the draft report on the Committee’s report on the budget of the Department of Mineral Resources. There were a few amendment proposals to the content of the report which was agreed to by all parties present. The report was considered and adopted with no recorded objection.

Meeting report

The Chairperson welcomed members of the Committee to the meeting. The agenda of the meeting was to consider the Committee report on the budget of the Department of Mineral Resources.

Committee Report on Mineral Resources Budget

Nkosi Z Mandela (ANC) proposed that the Committee go through the report page by page for consideration, this was seconded by Mr J Lorimer (DA)

On page 1 of the report, it was proposed that the dates 3-4 May be inserted.

On page 2, it was proposed that the abbreviations on the last sentence be removed without interfering with the meaning of the sentence. Adv H Schmidt (DA) advised the Committee to delete the abbreviations on the last sentence of page 2. In his opinion, the abbreviations sounded ambiguous to the meaning of the sentence.

On page 26, Nkosi Mandela pointed out the confusion in bullet point 1 and advised that the sentence be revised. Mr Schmidt and the Chairperson both contributed to this and there was an agreement that the sentence be rephrased in the final report to be adopted.

The Chairperson also pointed out the repetitions on bullet point 3 and 5 which spoke about funding in the Department.

The Chairperson referring to the last bullet point on page 26 of the document, also proposed an amendment to the sentence which spoke about the presentation of the strategy of the Department.

Mr J A Esterhuizen (IFP) referring to page 7 of the report talked about legislative uncertainty and regulatory framework which does not boost and encourage investor confidence in the mining sector. He wanted that included and addressed in the final draft of the report.

The motion for the adoption of the final draft of the report was moved by Nkosi Mandela (ANC) and seconded by Ms M V Mafolo (ANC).

The report was according approved with changes.

The minutes of the previous meetings were adopted and the meeting adjourned.


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