2017 First Term Programme

NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration

29 November 2016
Chairperson: Mr M Mohapi (ANC, Free State)
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Meeting Summary

Minutes of Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, 1 November 2016
Minutes of Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, 22 November 2016
Minutes of Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, 23 November 2016
Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs First Term Programme: 24 January – 31 March 2017

When the draft programme for 2017 was considered, Members suggested there was a need to include a study tour with a specific area of focus. The draft programme was adopted.

Members sought confirmation that the Committee’s visit to India was still going ahead, as there had been issues raised by the hosts regarding the logistics for the trip. Members were concerned that officials had let the Committee down, as the delays and lack of communication were not acceptable. It was eventually established that the trip would be taking place from 8 to 16 December.

The minutes of the Committee’s recent meetings were discussed and adopted.

Meeting report

Committee’s First Term Programme 2017
Mr M Chetty (DA, Kwa-Zulu Natal) said that the Khoisan public hearing needed to be incorporated into the Committee’s 2017 Programme. The Committee also needed to pencil in a study tour.

The Chairperson agreed and asked the Members if they had a specific area of focus in mind.

Mr D Ximbi (ANC, Western Cape) suggested that the Committee Researchers should advise the Committee.

Ms G Manolope (ANC, Northern Cape) said that there were already areas of focus identified by the Committee on security and petitions, and the Committee should take its area of focus from them.

The Chairperson said that it would be better if the area of focus was based on the Committee’s own research. The Committee could take notes from the other committees, but the area of focus should be determined through the Committee’s own research. He asked the research team to put forward suggestions to the Committee and substantiate why they had suggested those areas. The Committee would then make a decision from those suggestions.

Mr Chetty proposed that the Committee look at elections as an area of focus, reviewing the public relations (PR) process of elections, especially after what happened with the electoral colleges in the American elections. The Committee could look at what other countries were doing. He used Switzerland as an example of a place of interest, explaining that public representatives there were elected every five years. Only the mayors of cities were selected in a closed system.

Mr Ximbi suggested that the study tours be spread out between the committees.

Mr S Thobejane (ANC) supported Mr Ximbi, and said that he understood where he was coming from because of how the committees were set up. He suggested that this be used as an opportunity to show others that although the Committee was disadvantaged, it also had an advantage. He suggested that the Committee let the other committees -- COGTA and Security -- go on their study tours in January, February and March. He suggested that the Committee go on its study tour only in September. In that way, when the Committee presented its study tour to the House, the Committee could present it as something that was for the benefit of the House, not only the Committee.

The Chairperson said that the technocrats from the different committees -- Security, Petitions and COGTA -- should meet to discuss the way forward. He reminded the Committee that study tours also served as a measurement tool for annual performance plans (APPs).

The Chairperson said that the programme was only a draft to provide overall picture of what could be expected. The Committee would be welcome to make amendments and suggestions later on.

The programme was adopted.


South African Local Government Association (SALGA) Conference
The Chairperson said the Conference was scheduled for 28 November to 1 December 2016, but not everyone would be attending it. One representative from each party and organisation would be attending. The Chairperson and Ms Manolope would be attending the gala dinner on the Wednesday night, and would be attending the Conference the following day.

On Wednesday evening at 18H00, the Chairperson and Ms Manolope would be short-listing candidates for the National Youth Development Conference. Ms Manolope was the co-chairperson for that selection panel.

Committee’s trip to India
Ms Mokwele asked for an update on the Committee’s application for a working trip to India.

The Chairperson said that the application had gone to the Chairperson of the House, and the Chairperson and Mr J Mthethwa (ANC, Kwa-Zulu Natal) had met with the Chief Whip for an update on the application. The application had been processed, but the challenge lay with the e-mail that had been received from the High Commission of India. The Commission had an issue with the number of people that it could accommodate. There were also challenges in Parliament. This was currently being attended to and an update would be communicated to the Committee in due course. He did not think it was wise for the Committee to pursue this matter, due to the time factor. He asked for Mr Thobejane’s input.

Ms Mokwele said that in her meeting earlier with the whips, the item had been on the agenda but it had not been discussed. None of the whips knew about this trip, and that they would be expected to go on this trip. There had been a lack of communication, and someone somewhere was not communicating the right information to the relevant parties. She asked that it be noted that people had family commitments and could not be expected to go on the trip the following week without prior notice. The trip was apparently being delayed because the chief whips were going on holiday, adding that this apparently happened every year.

Mr Thobejane said that to his knowledge the trip to India had been approved. The issue involved the logistics in the host country. The Committee would be receiving information the following day regarding the trip, which  would be taking place from 8 to 16 December 2016.

Mr Chetty stated that the matter was of serious concern. This trip was meant to have taken place last year, but due to delays the Committee was now forced to go this year during December. The trip was important for the effective functioning of the Committee. The officials had let the Committee down, and this was unacceptable. It was the job of the officials to ensure that there was effective and thorough communication. He expected information about the trip tomorrow, and would not be impressed if the Committee did not receive an update.

The Chairperson noted Mr Chetty’s concerns, but said that the Committee should be wary of believing that the Committee’s trip had been delayed due to the Chief Whips wanting to go on holiday, especially since the Committee had been not part of the Whipery’s meeting. 

Ms Manopole said that the trip had been approved, and the delay in communication had been a result of the logistics not yet being sorted out.

The Committee agreed that it would wait on an update, which was expected tomorrow. The Chairperson advised the Committee to come to Parliament with their luggage on the day of departure.

Consideration and Adoption of Committee Minutes

1 November 2016
The minutes were adopted.

22 November 2016
Ms T Mokwele (EFF, North West) said that she had sent in her apologies for the meeting. She had been late, but had attended the meeting. She asked that that be corrected in the minutes, as she had been marked as absent.

The Chairperson asked that the Committee Secretary to note that the Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) Chief Director in Kwa-Zulu Natal had been omitted from the minutes, and to correct this.

The Committee agreed that under resolutions, a further item should be added. Item 4.3 would state that “The Select Committee further resolved that the Premier of Mpumalanga should be summoned in terms of the NCOP Rules to appear before the Select Committee, in order to account on the 2013/14 and 2014/15 municipal performance reports.”

The minutes were adopted.

23 November 2016
The minutes were adopted.

The meeting was adjourned.



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