Africa Skills FET College Petition Report; Tabling of Executive Undertakings

NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings

23 November 2016
Chairperson: Mr M Mohapi (Free State, ANC)
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Meeting Summary

Africa Skills FET College Petition Report
Tabling of Executive Undertakings [All Committee Reports available under Tabled Committee Reports once published]

The Select Committee met to consider and adopt the Africa Skills FET College Petition Report (Petition requesting the intervention of the NCOP on the alleged ill-treatment of students, corruption and racism by Africa Skills College in George, Western Cape Province). The Committee noted that the Western Cape Provincial Government had not made a submission on the petition and agreed to invite it to make written submissions.

The Committee noted the tabling of the Executive Undertakings. Members agreed to take note of the executive undertakings with a proviso that after their study tour to India they will be able to follow up on those executive undertakings.

Meeting report

Consideration and Adoption of the Africa Skills FET College Petition Report
The Chairperson said the Committee should go through the report page by page.

Mr M Mthethwa (KwaZulu-Natal, ANC) moved for the adoption of the report.

Ms M Manolope (Northern Cape, ANC) suggested that the Committee first solicit further oral or written submissions from the Western Cape Provincial Government because it had not made submissions in this regard and therefore it was important that the Committee get those submissions before it adopts the report.

Ms T Mokwele (North West, EFF) said the Committee should agree whether to seek oral or written submissions because some Members were not part of the interactions with the petitioners.

Ms B Engelbrecht (Gauteng, DA) suggested that for the sake of expediency the Committee should request written submissions from the Western Cape Provincial Government so that they could finalise the report because it is coming to the end of the year.

The Committee agreed that it will invite the Western Cape Provincial Government to make written submissions to the Committee.

Tabling of Executive Undertakings
The Chairperson said that the Committee was supposed to undertake a study tour to learn from best practices outside the country. This was as a result of the guidelines that were developed, which advised the Committee to first do a comparative study to learn from the experience of other countries.

The Chairperson informed Members to take note of the executive undertakings with a proviso that after the study tour they will be able to bring them back and see how they will follow up on those executive undertakings.

The Committee agreed to take note of the executive undertakings.

The Chairperson asked the Committee Secretary whether there are any developments with regard to their study tour to India.

Mr Nkanyiso Mkhize, Committee Secretary, said at this stage the application had been submitted but there were no further developments in this regard.

Mr M Mhlanga (Mpumalanga, ANC) said this should be taken seriously by the Committee.

Mr Mthethwa said this morning he had received an email indicating that Members did not need any visas but only needed official passports.

The Chairperson interjected and said that that the Committee should discuss the issue informally because it was not part of the agenda, and it needed to discuss the matter with the Chief Whip of Parliament.

Adoption of Outstanding Minutes
The Committee adopted the minutes of 26 October 26 and minutes of 2 November 2016.

The meeting was adjourned.



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