Approval of advert
National Youth Development Agency appointments
09 November 2016
Chairperson: Ms G Mahopole (ANC); Mr P Mapulane (ANC)
Meeting Summary
The Ad-hoc Committee agreed on a number of issues relating to the advert, including the age criteria. However, there were some disagreements in terms of the criteria of academic qualification to be included in the advert.
A unanimous decision was taken to seek legal advice on other contentious issues relating to the advert.
Meeting report
Consideration and approval of advert
Mr F Shivambu (EFF) said that one of the people to be considered on the Board should have the necessary qualification required. It would be incorrect to open applications to everyone, with or without academic qualifications, as this would contradict the NYDA Act.
Mr L Lesoma (ANC) said that the Committee should separate the criteria from the advert itself. It was proposed that the Committee should seek legal advice on the legality of this position in relation to the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) Act.
A member of the Committee said that the advert was designed based on legal advice and guidance of the Act. However, it was proposed that the Committee may develop a criterion on its own, since the Act did not contain any criteria on candidates to be appointed to the Board.
Another member of the Committee said that the age cap of 35 should be emphasized.
Mr S Mncwabe (NFP) said that the existence of candidates with qualifications will not affect the legitimacy of the process of shortlisting.
A member of the Committee said that the addition of qualifications as criteria would not nullify the advert. It was reiterated that the advert complied with the Act. Focus should be placed on the leadership capabilities of the candidates.
Mr Shivamby said that the Adhoc Committee should seek legal advice on the inclusion of other criteria not provided by the Act into the advert. At the moment, the advert was couched in way that would allow everyone to apply, regardless of experience. It was proposed that a non-negotiable criteria of having post-secondary qualifications should be included by the Committee.
There were instances in the past where a person above the age of 35 was appointed to lead the Board. The Committee was urged to allow young people lead the NYDA.
Ms Lesoma said that the Ad-hoc Committee should agree on the criteria as a separate issue. There was already an agreement on the issue of age.
A member of the Committee pointed out that the Committee already agreed to seek legal advice and to ensure that the age prescribed was within a certain range. The suggestion to include post-qualifications had brewed up disagreements in the past. It was suggested that matric qualification should be used as the basic qualification, while other qualifications would serve as an added advantage.
Ms D Manana (ANC) also agreed that the basic qualification to be used should be the matric qualification.
Another member of the Committee suggested an additional criterion to be used apart from qualification, which was recognition of prior learning.
Mr P Mapulane (ANC), Co-Chairperson said that a legal opinion would be needed on the three-year qualification criteria.
Mr Mncwabe said that the legal opinion should be clear.
Mr Shivambu proposed that the age criteria should be listed in the advert, and the Committee should thereafter engage on other criteria to be used in selecting the seven names. The inclusion of qualifications as part of the criteria could then come into play when shortlisting the candidates. It was not necessary to seek legal advice in this regard.
Ms G Mahopole (ANC), Co-Chairperson concluded the meeting by noting an agreement between Members on the discussion around the advert.
The meeting was adjourned.
No related documents
Manopole, Ms GM Chairperson
Mapulane, Mr MP Chairperson
Lesoma, Ms RMM
Manana, Ms DP
Mncwabe, Mr SC
Shivambu, Mr F
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