Committee 2015/16 performance report & 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan
Meeting Summary
Documents handed out:
2016/2017 Portfolio Committee on Social Development Annual Performance Plan
PC Social Development Five Year Strategic Plan (2014-2019)
Review of PC on Social Development activities for 2015/16 financial year and way forward [awaited]
The Committee’s Content Advisor presented the five-year strategic plan of the Committee, and commented that the plan had been drafted by the Committee at a workshop two years ago. It had been approved then, but it was being tabled before Members for amendments, if there were any, since it had to be considered every year. The Committee had to develop a monitoring tool in terms of the resolutions taken by the Committee. Key issues included oversight and policy processes. Members were also taken through the annual performance plan of the Committee, which highlighted its strategic objectives, outcomes, targets and activities.
During discussion, a Member said that the Committee would be receiving a briefing from the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) on progress made to address discrepancies in the implementation of Social Relief of Distress (SRD) in the last quarter of the financial year. The payment of grants was being taken over in the following quarter of the financial year, hence an update on the progress made was required. This was to avoid a crisis that may arise out of the grant pay-outs if SASSA was not ready for the takeover.
The Committee’s review of the 2015-16 financial year, its five-year strategic plan, its annual performance plan and its third term programme, were approved.
Meeting report
Briefing by Content Advisor
Ms Yolisa Nogenga, the Committee’s Content Advisor, presented the five-year strategic plan and the annual performance plan of the Committee. She read through the documents and commented that the plan had been drafted by the Committee when it went to Claremont two years ago for a workshop. It had been approved then, but it was being tabled before Members for amendments, if there were any, since it had to be considered every year. The Committee had to develop a monitoring tool in terms of the resolutions taken by the Committee, and indicate progress made and implementation. The strategic plan was about setting out priorities for the Committee. She highlighted models that the Committee needed to focus on for its oversight.
The Content Advisor then took Members through the annual performance plan of the Committee, highlighting its strategic objectives, outcomes, targets and activities.
Ms E Wilson (DA) noted that the Committee would be receiving a briefing from the South African Social Security Agency SASSA on progress made to address discrepancies in the implementation of Social Relief of Distress (SRD) in the last quarter of the financial year. The payment of grants was being taken over in the following quarter of the financial year, hence an update on the progress made was required. This was to avoid a crisis that may arise out of the grant pay-outs if SASSA was not ready for the takeover.
The Chairperson said that the Content Advisor was preparing an operational plan in which this issue would be prioritised. What was due now was a briefing on the illegal deductions, the outcome of the court case, and the Department’s plan following the court outcome.
Ms Nogenga said that the issues raised would be prioritised accordingly. The Committee was behind on its section 32 briefing. According to the instructions of Parliament, whenever the Committee was considering legislation, this took priority.
The Chairperson advised the Committee to work as hard as possible, because the availability of sufficient time was not guaranteed. Parliament was a political institution, and its activities could sometimes hinder the work of Committees.
Ms V Mogotsi (ANC) moved the adoption of the review of the Committee’s activities for 2015/16 financial year, and the way forward.
Ms S Tsoleli (ANC) seconded the motion.
Ms Wilson proposed the adoption of the five-year strategic plan.
Mr S Mabilo (ANC) seconded the motion.
Ms Wilson moved the adoption of the annual performance plan.
Ms B Abrahams (ANC) seconded the motion.
The third term programme of the Committee was moved for adoption by Ms Wilson, and seconded by Ms Mogotsi.
The minutes of the meeting of 21 April were moved for adoption, with amendments, by Ms Wilson and seconded by Ms B Masango (DA).
The minutes of 26 April were moved for adoption, with amendments, by Ms Tsoleli and seconded by Ms Abrahams.
The meeting was adjourned.
No related documents
Capa, Ms RN Chairperson
Abrahams, Ms BL
Dudley, Ms C
Mabilo, Mr SP
Masango, Ms B
DA -
Mogotsi, Ms VP
Sonti, Ms NP
Tsoleli, Ms SP
Wilson, Ms ER
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