South African Human Rights Commission: Interviews in Johannesburg

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Justice and Constitutional Development

11 May 2016
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Meeting Summary

The Committee held a second round of interviews at the Protea Hotel in OR Tambo to fill in vacancies within the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC).

There were six short-listed candidates interviewed for two vacancies within the SAHRC.

N.B: PMG was not present at the interviews and is awaiting audio, the list of questions and responses emanating from the interviews from the Parliamentary staff.


Meeting report

After the previous interviews for the Information Regulator, the Committee proceeded to interview six candidates for the two vacancies within the SAHRC.

The candidates were:

1. Prof. Rushiela Songca
2. Mr Lindelwe Mabandla
3. Mr Andre Gaum
4. Mr Edward Lambani
5. Mr Anandroy Ramdaw
6. Mr Kwena Ntsewa


N.B: PMG was not present at the interviews and is awaiting audio, the list of questions and responses emanating from the interviews from the Parliamentary staff.



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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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