Transkei Road Transport Corporation Petition Report, Nobuntu Fuzane Petition Report & Lunga Kona Petition Report: consideration

NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings

04 May 2016
Chairperson: Mr S Thobejane (ANC: Limpopo)
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Meeting Summary

Documents handed out:
Lunga Kona Petition Report
Transkei Road Transport Corporation (TRTC) Petition
Nobuntu Fuzane Petition Report
[All Committee Reports are available under Tabled Committee Reports once published]

The Committee considered the draft reports on the Nobuntu Fuzane petition: ill treatment of the petitioner’s daughter whilst admitted at Groote Schuur and Khayelitsha District Hospitals, Western Cape Province, the Transkei Road Transport Corporation petition on alleged failure by Corporation to pay pension monies and severance packages to former employees subsequent to its liquidation; and the Lunga Kona Petition requesting intervention of the National Council of Provinces in the upgrades of roads and construction of bridges in certain parts of the Eastern Cape Province.

The Committee deliberated on all the petition reports without adopting any of them. Amongst the reasons were outstanding information, failure to appear before a committee of Parliament, and the unavailability of a portfolio committee for the joint hearing of a petition. 

Meeting report

Nobuntu Fuzane Petition Report (Petition on the alleged ill treatment of the petitioner’s daughter whilst admitted at Groote Schuur Hospital and Khayelitsha District Hospital, Western Cape Province

The Chairperson tabled the Nobuntu Fuzane Petition report for consideration by the committee.

The issue was raised that input was needed from the Portfolio Committee on Health before the adoption of the draft report.

The Chairperson attested that an invitation had been sent to the Portfolio Committee on Health before the Committee heard the petition. Since that had not materialised, the Committee had heard the petition. The fact remained that the Portfolio Committee on Health input on the petition was needed.

The Committee therefore resolved that it would note the report as work for the future but would not adopt it until inputs from the PC Health were received. The report was considered but not adopted.

Transkei Road Transport Corporation (TRTC) Petition (alleged failure by the TRTC to pay pension monies and severance packages to former employees subsequent to its liquidation

The Chairperson tabled the Transkei Road Transport Corporation (TRTC) Petition report for consideration by the Committee

Mr L Gaehler (UDM: Eastern Cape) said he had assisted the petitioners with drafting the petition. He had uncovered some more and very important information in that regard. There was an FNB account that currently held about R60 million which had been invested by TRTC before it’s winding up. The then board chairperson of TRTC, a Mr Maqubela who could be found at Norwood residential area in Mthatha, had attested to the existence of the money as he had had signing powers before liquidation. However; the money could not be accessed and Mr Gaehler asked the Committee to allow him some time so that he could get to Mr Maqubela to find out the rest of the details pertaining to the account. There was also an issue of an investigation by the Special Investigative Unit (SIU); on the sale of properties that had belonged to TRTC, and requested that he be allowed to follow that up as well.

The Chairperson said the Committee was also awaiting information from Mr D Munton, Eastern Cape Head of Alexander Forbes. He proposed that the Committee delay adoption of the report so that all the outstanding information could be provided for consideration at a future meeting.

The Committee agreed that the committee secretary should continue attempting to get the outstanding information from Mr Munton and that it would allow Mr Gaehler to investigate as he had proposed regarding the new information he had submitted.

The report was not adopted.

Lunga Kona Petition Report (Petition requesting the intervention of the NCOP in the upgrade of roads and construction of bridges in certain parts of the Eastern Cape Province)

The Chairperson tabled the Lunga Kona Petition report for consideration. He said that none of the stakeholders involved except, for the petitioner had availed themselves before the Committee during the day of the hearing. The stakeholders included the Eastern Cape Provincial Department of Roads and Public Works, the Executive Mayor of the OR Tambo District Municipality and the Eastern Cape Provincial Treasury.

Ms B Engelbrecht (DA: Gauteng) proposed that the Committee develop a protocol and timeframes in line with the petitions guidelines on how to deal with stakeholders that failed to appear before it after being summoned by it.

The Committee resolved that it would summon the provincial government leadership as outlined above for a second hearing on the Lunga Kona Petition as there had been no oral or written submission from any of the spheres of government in response to the Lunga Kona Petition.
The report was not adopted.

The meeting was then adjourned. 


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