Election of Co-Chairpersons
Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament
05 May 2016
Chairperson: Mr V Smith (ANC) and Mr S Mohai (ANC; Free State)
Meeting Summary
The Chairpersons for both the National Assembly (NA) and National Council of Provinces (NCOP) component of the new Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament were elected.
Meeting report
Mr Darin Arends, Committee Secretary welcomed Members. Apologies were sent in by Mr F Essack (DA; Mpumlanga) and Mr L Gaehler (UDM; Eastern Cape).
Nominations for Co-Chairpersons for both National Assembly (NA) and National Council of Provinces (NCOP)
Mr Arends indicated that Members had to elect two chairpersons – one from the NA and another from the NCOP.
Ms C September (ANC) nominated Mr V Smith (ANC) as the Chairperson of the NA component of the Committee. She was seconded by Mr N Gcwabaza (ANC).
Mr Smith accepted the nomination.
Ms T Motara (ANC; Gauteng) nominated Mr S Mohai (ANC; Free State) as the Chairperson for NCOP component of the Committee. She was seconded by Mr C Beer (ANC; Northern Cape).
Mr Mohai accepted the nomination.
Committee Programme
Mr Smith informed Members that the newly elected Chairpersons would prepare a programme of action for the Committee based on the Committee’s mandate, which would be circulated to all Members before the close of Parliament at the end of May. The programme of action would be presented for adoption and debate by Members at the earliest possible day.
Mr N Singh (IFP) said that the Committee would be debating in the House on 12 May 2016. He requested that necessary documentation needed for Members to prepare for the debate should be circulated.
Mr Smith replied that the annual report would be forwarded to Members.
Mr J Steenhuisen (DA) proposed that the first order of business of the Committee should be an intensive examination of the Parliament’s budget.
Mr Smith replied that the proposal had been duly noted.
Mr Mohai said that the newly elected Chairpersons would discharge their responsibilities in terms of the provisions of the Constitution to ensure accountability of the Parliament.
The meeting was adjourned.
No related documents
Masondo, Mr NA Chairperson
Coleman, Ms EM
De Beer, Mr CJ
Gcwabaza, Mr NE
Mohai, Mr S
Motara, Ms T
September, Ms CC
Singh, Mr N
Smith, Mr VG
Steenhuisen, Mr JH
DA -
Waters, Mr M
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