Committee Report on candidates to serve on the Board of the National Agricultural Marketing Council


03 May 2016
Chairperson: Ms C September (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries agreed to nominate five candidates to serve on the Board of the National Agricultural Marketing Council. Out of the six names forwarded to the Committee, only one did not make the grade. Five were nominated. The report was adopted.

Meeting report

Finalisation of candidates to serve on the Board of the National Agricultural Marketing Council

The Chairperson informed Members the Committee had received six CVs, and in terms of the Act, the CVs must not be more than ten. The Council had to be made up of ten members. The Chairperson then took the Members through the six CVs, page by page.

Mr Z Mandela (ANC) nominated five candidates and informed the Committee that his choices had been informed by qualifications and experience.

Mr N Capa (ANC) supported Mr Mandela’s proposal and stated the Committee should also consider those currently serving in the Council since the required 10 could not be made.

Ms A Steyn (DA) supported Mr Mandela’s proposal but wanted to know how many times one could serve on the Board of the Council.

Mr C Maxegwana (ANC) was not opposed to the suggested names but voiced concern that he did not know the complexion and gender composition of the Board. He was under the impression that the current Board was male dominated and there was a need to strike a balance. The process of transformation had to look at the people who were currently serving on the Board.

Mr R Cebekhulu (IFP) proposed to add another candidate by the name of Millicent Tingwe to the list.

The Chairperson said the current Board comprised of 2 African men, 1 White man, and 1 Black woman. Members of the Board could only serve two terms. Already, 1 White woman was re-appointed. About Ms Millicent Tingwe, the candidate should be considered because she had political experience and, in terms of the Act, should be considered because of her youthfulness, she had a chance to complete her unfinished studies, and had some marketing skills.

Ms Steyn asked if Ms Millicent Tingwe was still involved in the political arena because if she were appointed, that would not go down well in some circles because she was representing a certain political party.

The Chairperson replied that she used to work for the Western Cape Provincial Parliament but was no longer with it.

Mr Mandela declined Ms Millicent Tingwe’s appointment. He was not convinced about her qualifications presented to the Committee. When compared with other suggested names, Ms Tingwe had not finished her studies. She had no degree yet was pursuing a post-graduate diploma. One could not move from a certificate to a post-graduate diploma, and it did not appear she would ever finish her studies.

The Chairperson stated that before you became a Member of the Parliament things were considered. For instance, a certificate equated to level 8, and that was not a degree. Those that did not have matric had to do level 5, equal to matric.

Mr Mandela still declined the nomination.

Mr Capa agreed with Mr Mandela and stated that Ms Millicent Tingwe was not even close to agriculture qualifications.

The Committee agreed to nominate the following candidates:

  1. Mr Ranthoko Rakgoale
  2. Mr Vuyani Yoba
  3. Mr Andries Muller Cronje
  4. Ms Mina Magdaleen Gill
  5. Ms Boitumelo Mahuna (Gwendolyn)

Ms Magdaleen Gill was has been appointed on the recommendation that she had been on the Board although she did not have qualification in agriculture.

The Chairperson said the suggested names would be sent to the Minister who would then find the remaining 5 candidates.

The Committee Secretary read the Committee the consideration report of the request from the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to nominate suitable candidates to serve on the Board of the National Agricultural Marketing Council, and read out the names of the nominated candidates.

The report was adopted.

The meeting was adjourned.

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