Interviews of candidates for appointment to the Information Regulator: postponed

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Justice and Constitutional Development

19 April 2016
Chairperson: Ms C Pilane-Majake (ANC) (Acting)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee postponed the interviews due to a lack of quorum.

Meeting report

The Acting Chairperson welcomed all present. She said that Members of the opposition parties were not present in the meeting and therefore it would be impossible for the Committee to have a quorum for the meeting. There were only 4 African National Congress (ANC) Members who were present in the meeting. Therefore, the interviews should be postpone till further notice.

The Committee Assistant asked what he should say to the 3 candidates that had flown in from Johannesburg.

The Chairperson asked the Committee Assistant to call them in so that the Committee could address them.

The Chairperson told the 3 candidates that it was unfortunate that the Committee could not form a quorum to go through the interviews because Members of the opposition were not present in the meeting. She apologised on behalf of the Committee. The candidates would be contacted again by the Committee Assistant as to when the interviews will take place.

The meeting was adjourned.


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