Public Enterprises committee oversight reports; Committee strategic plan

Public Enterprises

21 October 2015
Chairperson: Ms D Letsatsi-Duba (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

Documents handed out:
Draft Report of Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises on oversight visit to Eskom Megawatt Park on 24 July 2015, dated 21 October 2015
Draft Report of Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises on oversight visit to Transnet National Control Centre, dated 21 October 2015
Draft Report of Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises on oversight visit to Eskom Megawatt Park, dated 21 October 2015
Strategic Plan 2015/15 – 2017/18
Draft Minutes of Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises: 9 September 2015Draft Minutes of Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises: 14 October 2015
[Committee Reports available once published on ATC]

The Committee was not happy with the content of the Strategic Plan and asked that it be rewritten with grammatical and content corrections. Corrections to the Strategic Plan would be sent to the Committee Researcher.

Minutes of 9 September 2015 were adopted, and 14 October 2015 were adopted with amendments. 

Meeting report

Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2017/18
Ms D Rantho (ANC) said the Strategic Plan could not be adopted because it had too many grammatical and content mistakes. She was not a Member of the Limpopo Legislation and neither did she serve in the Economic Cluster, and asked that those mistakes be corrected.

The Chairperson said the document had too many long sentences without punctuation. She asked that the document be edited before the Committee could adopt it.

Ms Lee Bramwell, Committee Researcher, said the document was mostly filled with the wrong content, and it was not a true reflection of what was discussed during the meetings.

Mr N Singh (IFP) asked if the document could be considered as work in progress.

Ms Rantho replied saying a document is only considered as a work in progress when there is information missing, and not when the content was incorrect.

The Chairperson said the document was incorrect stating that the Committee facilitates the oversights. The role of the Committee is to conduct oversights. She added that the Member’s profiles needed correction.

Mr Singh said Mr E Marais (DA) should be taken out of the strategic plan, and also Ms T Stander (DA) as she was no longer a member of the Committee.

Adoption of Draft Report on oversight visit to Eskom Megawatt Park: 24 July 2015
the report was adopted.

Adoption of Draft Report on oversight visit to Transnet National Control Centre, dated 21 October 2015
The report was adopted.

Adoption of Minutes

9 September 2015
The Chairperson said she was not available for this meeting.

Ms N Mazzone (DA) said number 5.1 on page four was incorrect. It stated that the Minister is not against strategic partnerships, and this statement should also be reflected clearly in the Committees Strategic Plan.

The minutes were adopted with the amendment of 5.1 on page four.

14 October 2014
The Chairperson said number 6.7 had grammatical mistakes; a sentence cannot have the word ‘regarding’ written twice.

Mr Singh added that number 6.6 should also be corrected to “Officials who are in acting positions” and not “officials who are acting in positions”.

The minutes were adopted with amendments.

The Committee agreed to forward the corrections for the Strategic Plan, via email, to Ms Bramwell.

The Chairperson said that the Committee received a petition from the Soweto community regarding the prepaid electricity issue. The petition was forwarded to the Minister to comment on the issue, and the Committee was expected to go to Soweto and hear what the community wants. However, the Committee is still waiting for Eskom to provide more information on the issue before the Committee could go to Soweto.

The meeting was adjourned.


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