Refugees Amendment Bill: adoption

NCOP Social Services

17 August 2015
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Meeting Summary

The Committee, together with other NCOP committees, visited Gauteng and North West to assess progress on the revitalisation of mining towns as well as human settlement programmes for military veterans. The Committees will also visit the Lindela Repatriation Centre in Krugersdorp to assess the conditions there. On the sidelines, it met to consider and adopt the Refugees Amendment Bill. PMG was not able to attend this meeting. Below is the Committee’s report on this

Meeting report

Report of the Select Committee on Social Services on the Refugees Amendment Bill [B19 – 2015] (National Assembly – sec 75), dated 17 August 2015:

The Select Committee on Social Services, having considered the subject of the Refugees Amendment Bill [B19 – 2015] (National Assembly – sec 75), referred to it, reports that it has agreed to the Bill. 


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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