Occupational Diseases in Mines & Works Amd Bill; finalisation; Medical Schemes Amd Bill: deliberations

NCOP Social Services

05 November 2002
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Meeting Summary

A summary of this committee meeting is not yet available.

Meeting report


5 November 2002

Chairperson: Ms L Jacobus (ANC)

Relevant documents
Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Amendment Bill [B39B-2002]
Medicines Schemes Amendment Bill [B37B-2002]
Proposed Amendments to Medical Schemes Amendment Bill (Appendix)

The Committee unanimously adopted the Occupational Diseases Bill with no amendments and proposed amendments to the Medical Schemes Amendment Bill.

[This meeting was not minuted by PMG]

Members commented on certain provisions of the Occupational Diseases Bill, but did not raise any substantive problems or amendments.

The Occupational Diseases Bill was unanimously adopted by Members. The proposed amendments to the Medical Schemes Amendment Bill were outlined.

The meeting was adjourned.

Report of the Select Committee on Social Services on the Medical Schemes Amendment Bill [B 37B - 2002] (National Assembly - sec 75), dated 5 November 2002:

The Select Committee on Social Services, having considered the subject of the Medical Schemes Amendment Bill [B 37B - 2002] (National Assembly - sec 75) referred to it, reports the Bill with proposed amendments, as follows:


1. On page 2, from line 10, to omit paragraph (a) and to substitute:

(a) by the substitution for the definition of "broker" of the following definition:

" 'broker' means a person whose business, or part thereof, entails providing broker services, but does not include
(i) an employer or employer representative who provides service or advice exclusively to the employees of that employer;
(ii) a trade union or trade union representative who provides service or advice exclusively to members of that trade union; or
(iii) a person who provides service or advice exclusively for the purposes of performing his or her normal functions as a trustee. principal officer. employee or administrator of a medical scheme.
unless a person referred to in subparagraph (i) (ii) or (iii) elects to be accredited as a broker. or actively markets or canvasses for membership of a medical scheme. ii; and

(b) by the insertion, before the definition of "business of a medical scheme", of the following definition:

"'broker services' means-
(a) the provision of service or advice in respect of the introduction or admission of members to a medical scheme; or
(b) the ongoing provision of service or advice in respect of access to. or benefits or services offered by, a medical scheme".


1. On page 2, from line 25, to omit paragraphs a), (b) and (c) and to substitute:

(a) by the substitution for subsection (1) of the following subsection:
(1) No person may act or offer to act as a broker unless the Council has granted accreditation to such a person on payment of such fees as may be prescribed.";
(b) by the substitution for subsection (2) of the following subsection:
(2) The Minister may prescribe the amount of the compensation which, the category of brokers to whom, the conditions upon which, and any other circumstances under which, a medical scheme may compensate any broker [in terms of subsection (1)].";
(c) by the substitution for subsection (3) of the following subsection:
(3) No [person] broker shall be compensated for providing broker services [relating to the introduction or admission of a member to a medical scheme in terms of subsection (1)]
unless the Council has granted accreditation to
[a person on payment of such fees and on submission of such information as may be prescribed] such broker in terms of subsection p."; and
(d) by the substitution for subsection (6) of the following subsection:
(6) A broker may not be directly or indirectly compensated for providing broker services by any person other than-
(a) a medical scheme;
(b) a member or prospective member, or the employer of such member or prospective member in respect of whom such broker services are provided; or
(c) a broker employing such broker


1. On page 2, in the first line, to omit "so as to broaden" and to substitute "in relation to broadening"

2. On page 2, from the first line, to omit ", in order to provide for" and to substitute "and"


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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