National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC): finalisation of nominees


11 September 2014
Chairperson: Ms M Semenya (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Chairperson explained that the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act as amended by its Amendment Act (No 52 of 2001) did not provide for the Committee to sit on the panel for evaluating National Agricultural Marketing Council nominees but it simply provided that the Minister as a courtesy could invite nominations from Parliament.

The Committee agreed to submit the names of Ms Sebina Hlapolosa and Mr Isaac Bheki Mgidi as nominees.

Meeting report

The Chairperson greeted members and asked that the Committee finalise its nomination of candidates for the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC). Moreover the Committee seemed to have been working with the old Act, which outlined the processes the Committee should follow for the nominations. Fortunately, the Committee was still covered by the amended Act. The Minister according to the new Act could invite the Committee by notice to nominate individuals to serve on the Council. The old Act had provided for the Committee to be on the panel to evaluate the nominees, whereas the amended Act gave the Minister the courtesy to invite the Committee to nominate. Three names and their curriculum vitae (CVs) had been submitted and the Committee had to recommend two names. She allowed the Committee five minutes to peruse the CVs and then asked for inputs from the Committee.

Mr M Filtane (UDM) said that he was nominating Ms Sebina Hlapolosa because of her academic qualifications and the fact that she had no work contracts tying her down.

Mr C Maxegwana (ANC) seconded Mr Filtane’s nomination.

Ms A Steyn (DA) said that she preferred Mr Isaac Bheki Mgidi. She did not know who the current members of the Council were, but he probably would be able to represent the interests of small scale rural people. The issue she had with the NAMC was that there was not enough focus on finding markets for small scale producers for their produce.

Mr T Ramokhoase (ANC) said that having perused the background and activities of Mr Mgidi, he was also nominating him.

Mr Z Mandela (ANC) said he was seconding the nomination of both Mr Mgidi and Ms Hlapolosa

The Chairperson noted that in principle the Committee seemed to be in agreement over the two candidates being submitted to the Minister as the Committee's choices.

Mr Mandela moved for that motion as agreed.

The Chairperson noted the candidates by name, saying that they would be submitted without any order of preference.

Mr Maxegwana agreed that there be no order of preference. Those candidates would be part of the pool to be considered for positions on the council.

The Committee approved the Committee Report on the NAMC nominations.

The meeting was adjourned.


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