PC Mineral Resources: Consideration of draft strategic planning workshop report – deferred

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Mineral and Petroleum Resources

03 September 2014
Chairperson: Mr S Luzipho (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources met for the consideration and adoption of the Committee’s minutes of 20 and 27 August 2014. The Members made a few corrections before adopting them.  The consideration of the draft strategic plan was deferred to the next meeting of the Committee.

Meeting report

Opening and Welcoming Remarks

The Chairperson opened the meeting by welcoming all present.  He said Members were supposed to receive a report from the Pamodzi liquidator at the meeting, but unfortunately it was not yet available.   They were also supposed to receive a presentation on the shale gas issue, which had generated lot of interest.   As Chairperson, he would ensure that a future meeting would enable all of those who had an interest in the issue and wanted to participate, to be accommodated. The purpose of this meeting was to consider and adopt the minutes of Committee meetings held on 20 and 27 August 2014.

Ms Ayanda Boss, Committee Secretary read apologies from Mr Z Mandela (ANC), Mr J Malema (EFF), and Ms N Mdaka (ANC).

Minutes of 20 August 2014

Mr H Schmidt (DA) corrected the wrong spelling of the surname of Ms Bridgette Radebe on paragraph 6 of page 7 of the document.

Mr M Matlala (ANC) complained that his name was not reflected in the minutes.

The Chairperson said that it should be noted that Mr Matlala’s name was not reflected in the minutes.

Mr J Lorimer (DA) said that there had been an undertaking from the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) to give the Committee a paper on transfer pricing. He asked whether this had come through.

The Chairperson said that it should be recalled that the Committee would first go to the strategic plan, and AMCU had said that if they were required to give that paper, they should be given enough time.   It was therefore up to the Committee, when it completed the strategic plan, to indicate whether it required the paper, or a presentation on transfer pricing.

Mr Lorimer said that they would be able to make a better decision in that regard once they had seen the document AMCU was working on.  They could possibly write to AMCU and ask to see it.

The Chairperson said that they should have a presentation on transfer pricing, and allow the stakeholders to be part of the discussion.

Mr Lorimer said that he was doing background reading to try and assess the extent of the problem, and was quite happy to receive a presentation from anybody on the subject.

The Chairperson emphasised that he was suggesting that they should get a presentation from anyone, including the Department, on transfer pricing.   The Committee agreed in principle that there should be a discussion on this issue.

Mr Schmidt moved the adoption of the minutes, and Mr Matlala seconded.

The Committee adopted the minutes with amendments.

Minutes of 27 August 2014

Ms M Mafolo (ANC) moved the adoption of the minutes, and Mr Matlala seconded.

The Committee adopted the minutes.

Draft Strategic Plan

The Chairperson proposed that Members should take the draft strategic plan and familiarise themselves with it.   At the next meeting they would start considering it. They should see if it was a reflection of the deliberations they had had during the strategic planning stage, and then come back and decide whether it should be adopted.   When they adopted it, they should do so subject to any new issues that might come from the Parliamentary programme.

There were two other issues they should factor in with regard to their oversight work.  Their study tours should ensure that the Committee looked at the issue of shale gas, which was of great interest to most of them. The other issue for consideration on their oversight visits was that of illegal mining.   Another matter requiring their attention would be acid mine drainage.   Those were the three areas they needed to prioritise for their oversight visits.   Mr Lorimer would help them, because he was very familiar with some of these areas. They would work on the programme of their oversight visits, and Members would be informed in due course.  Members who could not take part in oversight visits should indicate in time, to avoid the implication of unnecessary costs.

The meeting was adjourned. 


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