Election of Chairperson

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Electricity and Energy

24 June 2014
Chairperson: Mr A Kotze (Acting)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee Secretary assumed the role of Acting Chairperson to facilitate the nominations for the incoming Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Energy. Mr F Majola (ANC) was nominated as the Chairperson. The nomination was unopposed and there were no other nominations. The new Members introduced themselves to the Committee. Mr L Greyling (DA) congratulated the Chairperson on his nomination on behalf of the Democratic Alliance. He said energy featured widely in the President’s State of the Nation Address. There were however major challenges with the sector. He relayed his hopes that the Committee would not be too politicized so that the Committee gets stuck dealing with minor issues. The Chairperson assured Members that the Committee would do its best to push the work of the Committee and that robust discussion would be in a constructive and respectful manner. The views of all Members would be taken into account.

Meeting report

Election of Chairperson
The Committee Secretary outlined the procedure which would be followed for the election of the Chairperson. He explained that a call for nominations would be opened; if there was only one nomination, no voting would take place and the person so nominated would be declared Chairperson. However, if there was more than one nomination, the names of the nominees would be put to a vote by a show of hands. At the end of the vote, the nominee with the majority of the votes would be declared Chairperson. Members would only be allowed to vote once. He proceeded to call for nominations.

Ms Z Faku (ANC) nominated Mr F Majola (ANC) to the position of Committee Chairperson.

Ms L Makhubele-Mashele (ANC) seconded the nomination.

The Chairperson (Acting) asked Mr Majola whether he accepted the nomination.

Mr Majola accepted the nomination.

The Committee Secretary asked if there were any further nominations. As there were none, Mr F Majola (ANC) was declared the Chairperson.

Mr Majola thanked Members. He introduced himself as a new Member of Parliament and subsequently a new Chairperson. He welcomed new Members together with the returning Committee Members, who would be useful to the work of the Committee going forward.

Mr L Greyling (DA) asked that all Members introduce themselves seeing that most Members were new to the Committee.

Members of the Committee all introduced themselves and congratulated the Chairperson on his appointment. Members stressed that they were all looking forward to working together in the next five years.

The Committee support staff was also asked to introduce themselves.

Mr Greyling congratulated the Chairperson on his nomination on behalf of the Democratic Alliance. He said the President’s State of the Nation Address featured energy widely in his speech. There were however major challenges with the sector. He relayed his hopes that the Committee would not be too politicized so that the Committee gets stuck dealing with minor issues.

The Chairperson thanked Members for their contributions and said that communication about upcoming meetings would be sent to Members in due time. He assured Members that the Committee would do its best to push the work of the Committee and that robust discussion would be in a constructive and respectful manner. The views of all Members would be taken into account.

The meeting was adjourned.


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