SC Social Services: Committee Legacy Report & Outstanding Matters

NCOP Social Services

19 March 2014
Chairperson: Ms R Rasmeni (ANC
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Meeting Summary

After waiting for sufficient Members to arrive to reach quorum, the Committees adopted both sets of documents – the Legacy Reports and Committee minutes – with the accepted amendments.

Meeting report

Legacy Report of the Committee on Social Services

Ms M Makgate (ANC) said she wanted her recommendation concerning the Limpopo intervention and the offices of the Chief whip to be changed in a manner similar to the one in the report of the Select Committee on Education and Recreation.

Having arrived late the Chairperson wanted to know how to brief future Committee Members on the challenges which the Committee had faced, especially the shortcomings with oversight visits which had resulted from members having to deal with many other commitments.

A Committee staff member explained that this had been captured under the key challenges where it had been specified that due to the Committee and Parliamentary schedule, members had not been able to complete the number oversight visits proposed.

The Committee approved the report with amendments.

Minutes of the Committee on Social Services

Ms Moshodi moved the adoption of the minutes. Mr Faber seconded, and the single set of minutes was adopted.

The meeting was adjourned.


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