Committee Report on the Small Scale Fisheries Policy public hearings


13 November 2013
Chairperson: Mr M Johnson (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met to consider and adopt outstanding minutes. There were not many issues of contention except for technical issues and the reflection of Members on the Committee register. All of the minutes were adopted with technical amendments.

The Report on the Public hearings on the Small Scale Fisheries Policy, which flowed from the Marine Living Resources Amendment Bill, was also adopted with substantive amendments.

Meeting report

Opening Statement by the Chairperson
The Chairperson noted that the meeting was only sitting for the consideration and adoption of minutes. However, the Committee had received information regarding the session on the AgriBEE Fund and its Charter Council, which they had asked for. Members were informed that the relevant departments responsible for those issues were not ready to make the briefing.

The Chairperson asked the Committee to assist with finding additional Members of Parliament (MPs) from any party to sit in so that the meeting could form quorum and so that the minutes could be adopted.   

Consideration and Adoption of outstanding Committee Minutes
15 October 2013
The Chairperson tabled the document for consideration.

The Chairperson noted that all the Afrikaans named Small Scale Fishers’ organisations whose abbreviations were on the report should all be kept as English abbreviations, since Mr P van Dalen (DA) had advised that there were no Afrikaans abbreviations for those names.

Mr M Cele (ANC) noted a grammatical error in the minutes.

Mr van Dalen moved for adoption of the minutes.

Ms M Pilusa-Mosoane (ANC) seconded the adoption.

The minutes were adopted with technical amendments.

16 October 2013
The Chairperson tabled the document for consideration.

The Chairperson also noted grammatical errors and errors regarding the Members register.

Mr Cele moved for the adoption of the minutes.

Mr van Dalen seconded the adoption.

The minutes were adopted with technical amendments.

5 November 2013
The Chairperson tabled the document for consideration.

The Chairperson noted grammatical errors.

Mr van Dalen moved for adoption of the minutes.

The Chairperson seconded the adoption.

The minutes were adopted with technical amendments.

6 November 2013
The Chairperson tabled the document for consideration.

Mr Cele said he wanted to check why there were absentees on the register. He also moved for the adoption of the minutes.

The Chairperson asked Ms Albertina Kakaza, Committee Secretary, to assist in responding to Mr Cele’s question

Ms Kakaza said that if there was an absent mark on a Member’s name that meant that there had been no formal apology from that Member.

Mr van Dalen seconded the adoption.

The minutes were adopted with technical amendments.

Report on the Public Hearings on Small Scale Fisheries Policy
The Chairperson tabled the document for consideration.

Mr van Dalen asked why the register did not reflect the presence of the two state law advisers.

The Chairperson replied that the Committee had agreed that minutes would have attendance registers attached to them for personal reference by Members. He also asked whether the report was saying, in summary format, that there was a general opinion on an issue - were those the views of the Committee? At the public hearings of the Marine Living Resources Amendment Bill, there had been two organisations that said that the Small Scale Fisheries Policy consultation process had not been inclusive of the many fisheries organisations.

The Chairperson rephrased the sentence to reflect the actual occurrences at that meeting.

Ms M Phaliso (ANC) agreed with the Chairperson’s amendment.

Ms Phaliso moved for the adoption of the report with amendments.

Ms R Nyalungu (ANC) seconded the adoption.

The report was adopted with amendments.

The Chairperson noted the following days programme involving the Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd visit to the Eastern Cape.

The meeting was subsequently adjourned.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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