Outstanding Committee Business
Meeting Summary
The Committee considered and adopted three outstanding sets of minutes with amendments. It was agreed that consideration of the Limpopo report would be shelved until the following week so that Members could have time to go through it. The Kwa-Zulu-Natal and the Western Cape Oversight trip would take place in the third quarter.
Meeting report
Opening Remarks
The Chairperson suggested that the Committee should consider and adopt the Limpopo Oversight Report the following week. Members would receive the document on Friday and have a chance to review it properly before it was considered.
Members agreed with this suggestion.
Mr B Mashile (ANC; Mpumalanga) asked whether the Free State Province had a permanent delegate in the Committee. He noted that Mr D Bloem (COPE; Free State) only attended meetings only he did not have other committees to attend.
The Chairperson explained that Mr Bloem was a permanent Member of the Committee; he was also a permanent Member of the Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. When he was unavailable he would then send an alternative Member.
Consideration of Outstanding Committee Minutes
Minutes dated 28 May 2013
The Chairperson went through the minutes page by page and invited comments from the floor. He then referred to page 3, 6 corrected a grammatical error.
Mr Mashile asked whether the Chairperson had received any responses to the resolutions on the minutes.
The Chairperson replied that he would follow up on the issue.
Mr Mashile suggested that all the resolutions should be numbered as per standard requirement.
Mr A Lees (DA; KZN) thanked the Secretariat for the good work it had done in compiling minutes timeously.
Mr T Chaane (ANC; North West) suggested that the Committee should continually interact with the National Treasury regarding regular progress on issues it had raised.
Mr D Joseph (DA; Western Cape) asked why information was not sent to the Committee regarding early intervention to some of the problems raised in the minutes.
The Chairperson informed the Committee that it should utilise quarterly reports for progress rather than wait for annual reports.
Mr Mashile said that the final draft should reflect all the changes as discussed.
Mr Lees moved for the adoption of the minutes and Mr Mashile seconded the motion. Accordingly, the minutes were adopted with minor amendments.
Minutes dated 29 May 2013
The Chairperson went through the minutes page by page and invited comments from the Members.
The Chairperson made a minor technical amendment to the first resolution.
Mr M Makhubela (Limpopo COPE) moved and for the adoption of the minutes Mr Mashile seconded the motion. Accordingly, the minutes were adopted with minor amendments.
Minutes dated 5 June 2013
The Chairperson invited comments from the Committee as he went through the minutes.
Mr Mashile suggested a minor amendment.
Mr Mashile moved for the adoption of the minutes and Mr Makhubela seconded the motion. Accordingly, the minutes were adopted with minor amendments.
Closing remarks
The Chairperson announced that the oversight trip for the Western Cape and KZN would be covered in the third quarter.
The meeting was adjourned.
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- We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting
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