Report on termination of intervention in Okhahlamba Local Municipality and extension of intervention in Indaka Local Municipality

NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration

20 November 2012
Chairperson: Mr A Matila (Gauteng, ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met briefly to consider and adopt the Report on termination of intervention in Okhahlamba Local Municipality and extension of intervention in Indaka Local Municipality Members also approved outstanding minutes and the 2013 First Term Programme.

Meeting report

Election of Acting Chairperson
In the absence of the Chairperson, Mr A Matila was elected to take the Chair.

Report on termination of intervention in Okhahlamba Local Municipality and extension of intervention in Indaka Local Municipality
The Chairperson tabled the report for consideration.

The report was adopted without amendments.

Outstanding Committee Minutes
The Chairperson tabled the minutes dated 30 October 2012 for consideration.

Some Members were not sure whether they had attended that meeting, apologies had not been recorded.

The Chairperson said that had to be corrected; it seemed the list of Committee Members was not always signed.

Mr Moses Manele, Committee Secretary, reported that the official who took care of that had stepped out of the meeting to investigate why the catering was late.

The Chairperson asked Mr Manele to ensure that it was signed and apologies recorded.

It was agreed that the record of attendance and apologies must be brought to the next meeting of the Committee.

Minutes of Committee meeting held on 30 October 2012 were adopted with amendments.

2013 First Term Committee Programme
The programme was considered and adopted, on the understanding that it was not static and was subject to change when required.

Mr J Gunda (Northern Caper, ID) commented that three days for taking Parliament to the People should be included; the Committee must go back there.

The Chairperson asked Mr Manele to take that into consideration.

A Member noted that no provision was made to consider the Traditional Courts Bill.

The Chairperson explained that that was not for this Committee.

Mr M Mokgobi (Limpopo, ANC) said until the report on taking Parliament to the Northern Cape had been tabled by the NCOP then the secretariat would identify issues that would inform the First Term Programme.

The Chairperson said that was agreed, the Committee could make follow-ups but was not controlled by the report.

The meeting was adjourned.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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