Register of Members' Interests 2012: adoption

Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interest

24 October 2012
Chairperson: Mr B Mashile (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee considered and adopted the 2012 Register of Members Interests. The original deadline of 31 July 2012 was extended to 23 August because some Members had failed to submit their disclosure forms on time. Members concerns included the fact that some people simply ignored the deadline of July 31 2012. 69 Members of Parliament had submitted their disclosures after the 23 August 2012 and it was agreed that these names would be published.

Meeting report

The Chairperson informed the Committee that Prof B Turok (ANC), Rev K Meshoue (ACDP) and Ms A Dreyer (DA) had tendered their apologies.

Mr G Koornhof (ANC) enquired about the minutes of the previous meeting.

The Chairperson replied that the outstanding minutes would be adopted the following week.

The Chairperson informed the Members that the closing date for the late disclosure forms of Members Interests was 31 July 2012. All Members of Parliament were expected to submit all their interests every year. After the July 31 cut off date about 69 Members had not yet submitted their interests. At the end of August all the Members had submitted all their interests.

Ms Fazella Mohamed, Registrar of Members Interests, explained that all the Members who had submitted by the 23 August 2012 extended deadline had been included in the Register. All the disclosure forms were double checked and Members were given a chance to rectify any mistakes that were discovered. Some Members complained that some information from the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (CIPRO) records were incorrect. Those affected Members could sort out their differences with CIPRO.

Ms D Kohler–Barnard (DA) asked for the reasons why Parliament had to set deadlines when it was apparent that those deadlines would be ignored by some Members.

Mr Koornhof said that the Committee had agreed to name all those Members who had submitted late applications as per the last meeting agreement.

The Chairperson explained that the list of Members who made late disclosure forms was available at the Registrar’s office.

Ms Mohamed explained that the fact that all Members had submitted their disclosure forms did not mean that they had declared all their interests.

Ms Kohler Barnard moved for adoption and Mr B Radebe (ANC) seconded the motion. The 2012 Register of Members Interests was unanimously adopted.

The names of the members who submitted their disclosures after the 23 August 2012 deadline were as follows:
1. Mdaka, MN (ANC-NA) 27-08-2012
2. Diemu, B, (Cope – NA) 28-08-2012
3. Plaatjie, SK (Cope – NA) 28-08-2012
4. Mosimane, CKK (Cope – NA) 28-08-2012
5. Mashigo, RM (ANC-NA) 28-08-2012
6. Mlenzana, Z (Cope – NCOP) 28-08-2012
7. Ntshiqela, P (Cope – NA) 28-08-2012
8. Sosibo, J E (ANC-NA) 28-08-2012
9. Bhengu, F (ANC-NA) 28-08-2012
10. Makunyane, T (ANC-NCOP) 28-08-2012
11. Lekota, MGP (ANC-NA) 29-08-2012
12. Chikunga, LS (ANC-NA) 29-08-2012
13. Gololo, CL(ANC-NA) 29-08-2012
14. Motshekga, MMS (ANC-NA) 29-08-2012
15. Gigaba, M (ANC-NA) 30-08-2012
16. Balindlela, ZBN (Cope-NA) 30-08-2012
17. Fubbs, JL (ANC-NA) 30-08-2012
18. Tau, RJ (ANC-NCOP) 30-08-2012
19. Martins, BAD (ANC-NA) 30-08-2012
20. Sibande, MP (ANC-NCOP) 31-08-2012
21. Tsenoli, SL (ANC-NA 31-08-2012
22. Oriani-Ambrosini, MG (IFP-NA) 31-08-2012
23. Kotsi, CMP (COPE-NA) 02-09-2012
24. Sunduza, TB (ANC-NA) 03-09-2012
25. Moloi-Moropa, JC (ANC-NA) 05-09-2012
26. George, ME (Cope-NA) 05-09-2012
27. Mncube, BV (ANC-NCOP) 05-09-2012
28. Sogoni, EM (ANC-NA) 06-09-2012
29. Cebekhulu, RN (IFP-NA) 07-09-2012
30. Msimang, CT (IFP-NA) 07-09-2012
31. Makwetla, SP (ANC-NA) 10-09-2012
32. Madlopha, CQ (ANC-NA) 12-09-2012
33. Bonhomme, TJ (ANC-NA) 12-09-2012
34. Nhanha, MA (Cope-NA) 12-09-2012
35. Mandela, ZMD (ANC-NA) 13-09-2012
36. De Beer, O (Cope-NCOP) 13-09-2012
37. Boshigo, DF (ANC-NA) 14-09-2012
38. Matshoba, JM (ANC-NA) 14-09-2012
39. Memela, TC (ANC-NCOP) 14-09-2012
40. Mfulo, A (ANC-NA) 18-09-2012
41. Mtshali, E (ANC-NA) 18-09-2012
42. Duma, NM (ANC-NA) 18-09-2012
43. Ngubeni-Maluleka, JP (ANC-NA) 18-09-2012
44. Bhanga, BM 9Cope-NA) 19-09-2012
45. Selau, GJ (ANC-NA) 19-09-2012
46. Mathebe, DH (ANC-NA) 19-09-2012
47. Moni, CM(ANC-NA) 20-09-2012
48. Dikobo, KJ(Azapo-NA) 26-09-2012
49. Dubazana, ZS (ANC-NA) 27-09-2012
50. Manganye, J (ANC-NA) 28-09-2012
51. Mafolo, MV(ANC-NA) 28-09-2012
52. Sithole, SCN (ANC-NA) 28-09-2012
53. Saal, G (ANC-NA) 28-09-2012
54. Johnson, M (ANC-NA) 28-09-2012
55. Mentor, MP (ANC-NA) 02-10-2012
56. Mapisa-Nqakula, NN (ANC-NA) 04-10-2012
57. Ndabandaba, LBG (ANC-NA) 10-10-2012
58. Nelson, WJ (ANC-NA) 10-10-2012
59. Huang, CC (Cope-NA) 11-10-2012
60. Ndabeni, ST (ANC-NA) 13-10-2012
61. Manana, MC (ANC-NA) 12-10-2012
62. Jacobus, L (ANC-NA) 16-10-2012
63. Mohorosi, MM (ANC-NA) 16-10-2012
64. Nesi, BA (ANC-NCOP) 16-10-2012
65. Moepeng, JK (ANC-NA) 17-10-2012
66. Tsebe, SR (ANC-NCOP) 17-10-2012
67. Nonkonyana, M (ANC-NA) 17-10-2012
68. Gona, MF (ANC-NA) 17-10-2012
69. Maine, MC (ANC-NCOP) 22-10-2012

The meeting was adjourned.


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