Programme for Oversight Visit: discussion and adoption

Public Enterprises

12 June 2012
Chairperson: Mr P Maluleke (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee discussed and approved the programme for its planned oversight visit in the next week. The Committee would undertake an oversight visit to Kimberely, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth and Richards Bay from 18-22 of June. Members were provided with details about flight schedules and the planned engagements for each day. There was some discussion about what time to begin the oversight visit with South African Airways and whether Members would need nametags so that they could be identified.

Meeting report

The Chairperson noted that the Committee had 3 items on the agenda- firstly the consideration of outstanding minutes, secondly consideration of the oversight programme and finally the Committee’s budget report.

Committee Minutes
Committee Minutes dated 24 April 2012
The Chairperson tabled the minutes for consideration.

Members went through the document page-by-page and there were no questions, comments, or clarifications.

Mr A Mokoena (ANC) moved to approve the minutes, with Mr G Koornhof (ANC) seconding.

Committee Minutes dated 8 May 2012
The Chairperson tabled the minutes for consideration.

Members made slight changes to the wording in the document. They also asked for a few sentences to be clarified to reflect the presentation given.

Ms C September (ANC) suggested that these minutes be put aside for correction.

The committee agreed and the minutes was not adopted.

Committee Minutes dated 10 May 2012
The Chairperson tabled the minutes for consideration.

Members suggested that some sentences be rephrased.

The Chairperson asked if they could adopt these minutes, with the necessary corrections, the committee agreed.

Mr Mokoena proposed a motion, and Ms September seconded it.

Committee Minutes dated 10 May 2012
The Chairperson tabled the minutes for consideration.

Members corrected the grammar and reworded some sentences.

Members asked that details from the meeting including Committee decisions be added to remind them of the discussion and deliberation.

There was some deliberation as to whether or not a decision made by the Committee could be changed at this point, as they no longer found it adequate, but the Chairperson said this was not possible. As such, the Committee decided to enact more oversight over the Ministers by informing them of a timeline for their work.

The Chairperson asked them to agree to make a motion for those corrections.

The minutes were then approved.

Discussion on Committee’s Planned Oversight Visit
Mr Disang Mocumi, Committee Secretary, said that the Committee would undertake an oversight visit to Kimberely, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth and Richards Bay from 18-22 of June.

Mr Mocumi then provided details about flight schedules and the Committee’s planned engagements for each day (see document).

Mr Mocumi highlighted the Committee’s scheduled interaction with staff, customers and organised labour at OR Tambo International Airport on Wednesday morning. The Committee would commence its work at 7 am.

Ms Borman said that 7am was too late, and proposed that the Committee start at 6am.

Ms September argued that 6am was not a suitable time.

Mr Sonto said that one thing he found odd was that Members were just going to be “ordinary people”, but it would be good if travellers knew who they were talking to, as Members were more than just regular people.

Ms September wanted people to know who Members were, and that everyone should be aware of their visit.

Mr Mokoena suggested the Committee receive special boarding passes from South African Airways (SAA), as Members did not want to interfere with the boarding process.

Mr Mokoena said they should stand in an area so the authorities knew who they were. He suggested the Committee stand outside relevant SAA checkpoints.

A member said that he was trying to get nametags for Members. These would be permanent and not be made from paper.

The Chairperson said that was a good idea, but noted that all Members had Parliament ID badges.

Mr Koornhof said there was no need for special tags, and that the normal Parliament tags would suffice. The Committee should be mindful not to delay passengers. He proposed that the Committee should be there at 5 am or 6 am to see what it was like to be a person in the queue, and that members ask the questions they decided on to get the experience of standing there in the cold.

The Chairperson asked why not 5 am or 6 am. The 6 am flights meant that 5am was the rush hour, where Members would feel the frustration of passengers.

Ms September appealed against such an early start.

Mr Mokoena sought clarity on whether the objective was to engage only with SAA passengers or passengers as a whole.

The Chairperson clarified that the focus was on the former.

The Chairperson asked if Members agreed with the programme.

The Chairperson said they would work out nametags later. He asked if members agreed to adopt the programme.

The programme was adopted.

Committee’s Budget Vote Report
The Chairperson tabled the report for consideration.

The Committee adopted the report.

The meeting was adjourned.


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