Election of National Assembly Member to Equality Review Commission

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Justice and Constitutional Development

06 March 2012
Chairperson: Mr L Landers (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee nominated Ms Sheila Sithole a Member of the ANC to serve on the Equality Review Commission.

Meeting report

Election of National Assembly Member to Equality Review Commission
The Chairperson said that the matter on the agenda had been up for consideration for some time. Section 32 of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 200 provided that the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development must appoint a Member of the National Assembly (NA) to serve on the Equality Review Committee (ERC), which was established in terms of the Act. The ERC played an advisory role to the Minister in terms of the operation of the Act as well as other laws that had an impact on this. The Minister wrote to the Speaker in May 2010 requesting the nomination of a Member of the NA to serve on the ERC and also that this matter should be referred to the Committee. The Committee had to expedite this matter. COPE had forwarded the name of Mr Leonard Ramatlakane and the ANC had nominated Ms Sheila Sithole.

Mr J Sibanyoni (ANC) said that the ANC caucus had nominated Ms Chana Majake (ANC). 

Mr J Jeffery (ANC) said that the issue had been dragging for some time; the Committee had to resolve this. There was a letter from Ms D Schäfer stating that she supported Ms Sithole’s name. The Committee had been requested to nominate somebody. The nominated person should come from the Committee even though this was not a requirement.

Mr S Swart (ACDP) said that he was under impression that it was Ms Sithole who was the only nominated candidate and was not aware of COPE’s nomination. He agreed with Mr Jeffery that nominated person should come from the Committee. Tthis was a very important piece of legislation and the ANC’s nomination should enjoy unanimous support.

Ms L Adams (COPE) said that she would abide by the Committee’s choice and was in favour of Ms Sithole.

The Chairperson put it to the vote.

Mr Sibanyoni nominated Ms Sithole.

Mr Swart seconded.

The Committee unanimously agreed.

Ms S Sithole (ANC) thanked the Committee for the nomination.

The meeting was adjourned.


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