PC Public Enterprises: Outstanding Reports; First term programme

Public Enterprises

25 January 2012
Chairperson: Mr P Maluleke (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee Members formally adopted items on the agenda which included deliberations and consideration of the Committee report on the annual reports of state-owned companies, Oversight Report of the Department of Public Enterprises and the entities (Transnet, Safcol and Infraco) and the First-term Committee Programme.

Members expressed satisfaction at the format of the reports and their detail. They also acknowledged the work done by the Committee Secretary and Researcher. Members discussed issues of maladministration by the state-owned entities and highlighted that the consequences needed to be well laid out. Members stated the need to invite the Auditor General, Treasury and the audit committee of each of the companies at the Department of Public Enterprise’s next briefing. Members discussed the outstanding 8.4 billion at Transnet along with making oversight visits to the state-owned entities a central activity of the Committee. Members noted the change in the titles from enterprises to companies along with providing a prescribed reporting format for the Department. Members were encouraged to attend the upcoming strategic planning workshop to be held in March 2012.

Meeting report

Chairperson’s opening remarks
The Chairperson invited members to make comments on the reports circulated prior to the meeting.

Outstanding Committee Reports and Programme
Mr P Van Dalen (DA) moved for the adoption of the Committee report on the annual reports of state-owned companies without amendments.

Mr A Mokoena (ANC) seconded the move.

Mr Van Dalen moved for the adoption of the Oversight report of the Department of Public Enterprises and the entities (Transnet, Safcol and Infrasco) without amendments.

Mr K Dokobo (AZAPO) seconded the move.

Members adopted the first term committee programme.

Members concurred that that the oversight visits were fruitful and should become a central part of the Committee’s activities.

The Chairperson mentioned a follow up visit scheduled for March 2012.

Ms C September (ANC) stated that the major issues over the South African Forestry Company (Safcol’s) future raised in previous meetings had not been highlighted in the report. The matter needed to clarified and expanded as it was very vague in relation to previous discussions.

Ms September noted the change in the title of the state-owned entities from enterprises to companies and asked if this could have a bearing on the title of the Committee.

The Chairperson replied that the change could not have a bearing on the title of the Committee.

Ms September noted that the recommendations made by the Committee had to be guided by the Public Finance Management Act. This was also to provide a guideline to the upcoming training workshop on strategic planning scheduled on March 2012.

Ms September said that it was incumbent on Members to make resolutions and recommendations regarding the outstanding issues at Eskom and Transnet.

The Chairperson and Mr Van Dalen acknowledged the work done by the Committee and researcher.

The Chairperson, Ms September and Mr Mokoena commented that Treasury and the Auditor General should be present for the briefings by the Department of Public Enterprises highlighting the extent to which the recommendations made had been implemented.

The Chairperson recommended that the Department make quarterly reports to the Committee.

The Chairperson said that the companies should note that maladministration had severe consequences which the Committee had to make clear.

Mr Mokoena concurred that the outstanding amount of R8.4billion by Transnet was unacceptable.
Members concurred that the audit committee of Transnet, Infrasco, Eskom and SA Express needed to be present when the Department made their follow up reports.

Mr Dikobo noted that the Committee needed to prescribe to the Department areas and issues to report and not give a random presentation.

Ms September concurred that Members should specify the format and guidelines of reporting by the Department.

The Chairperson remained Members to set aside time to attend the strategic planning workshop and appealed to Members to avail themselves.

The Chairperson noted that the adoption of meetings could be carried out in the following meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.




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