PC Energy: Report of Oversight visit to Koeberg Power Station & Darling Wind Energy Farm

Electricity and Energy

06 September 2011
Chairperson: Mr S Njikelana (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee adopted its Draft Report on its oversight visit to Koeberg Power Station, Darling Wind Energy Farm and its meeting with the community leaders of Darling dated the 17 August 2011 as amended. One of the issues coming out of the Draft Report was that the Department of Energy needed to set aside more funds for public education around nuclear energy. The Chairperson felt that the Department should factor it into its budget for the following year. The training and education should be extended to members of parliament as well.

The issue of the Darling Wind Energy Farm and what further projects would be encouraged from it would be looked into by the Committee and be discussed with the Central Energy Fund. A Member added that the major stake holding by government in the project was the issue. It precluded the Darling Wind Energy Farm Project to be regarded as an Independent Power Producer .The Chairperson agreed to discuss the shareholding issue with the Central Energy Fund, specifically the negative impact that it had on the Project.

Several outstanding minutes were approved with amendments.

Meeting report

The Chairperson stated that the Committee had intended to also deal with its budget in the present meeting but due to unforeseen circumstances the issue would be dealt with at a later stage. The figures on the budget still needed final tweaking.

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Energy on the oversight visit to Koeberg Power Station, Darling Wind Energy Farm and meeting with the community leaders of Darling
The Chairperson stated that the oversight visit to Koeberg Power Station and to the Darling Wind Farm had been interesting. He presented the draft Report to the Committee and proceeded to take Members through it page by page.

Grammatical and technical changes were effected to the draft Report and it was adopted as amended.

One of the issues coming out of the draft Report was that the Department of Energy needed to set aside more funds for public education around nuclear energy. The Chairperson felt that the Department should factor it into its budget for the following year. The training and education should be extended to Members of Parliament as well.

Another issue which Mr S Motau (DA) highlighted was that the Darling Wind Energy Farm project seemed completed but that the issue of wind farms seemed to have stalled. He asked how the Central Energy Fund (CEF) could be persuaded to take the issue forward.

The Chairperson agreed and stated that the challenge was how to expand the project. He stated that input from CEF on the issue would be elicited by the Committee. What was the future of the project?
Mr K Moloto (ANC) added that the major stake holding by government in the project was the issue. It precluded the Darling Wind Energy Farm Project to be regarded as an Independent Power Producer (IPP).

The Chairperson agreed to discuss the shareholding issue with CEF as well, specifically the negative impact that it had on the Project.

Committee Minutes
The Chairperson also proceeded to take Members through the various sets of minutes page by page.

The Committee effected grammatical and technical changes to its minutes. Minutes dated 11 March 2011, 15 March 2011, 31 May 2011 and 28 June 2011 was adopted as amended.

The meeting was adjourned.


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