Committee Report on Workshop with Auditor-General; Committee Reports on 2011 budget & strategic plans of Department of Cooperative Governance & Department of Public Service & Administration; Local Government Municipal Systems Amendment Bill update

NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration

06 June 2011
Chairperson: Mr M Mokgobi (ANC, Limpopo)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met to consider and approve reports on various engagements it had had over the last parliamentary quarter. These included a draft:
• Report on Workshop with Auditor-General on Consolidated Local Government 2009/10 Audit Outcomes in Municipalities and Municipal Entities
•Report on the Strategic Plan and Budget Vote of Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and Department of Traditional Affairs
•Report on the Strategic Plan and Budget Vote of Department of Public Service and Administration. All reports were approved with amendments.

The Committee also discussed the Local Government: Municipal Systems Amendment Bill [B22-2010] and why the Bill had not been signed by the President. A Member pointed out that there were people opposed to the Bill being signed because they wanted to protect their own interests rather than the interests of the country. It was agreed that the issue should be raised at a higher forum to get more clarity on why the Bill had not been signed.

Meeting report

Committee Report on Workshop with Auditor-General on Consolidated Local Government 2009/10 Audit Outcomes in Municipalities and Municipal Entities
The Chairperson tabled the report for consideration. In addition, he reminded Members about the importance of having this engagement with the Auditor-General.
Mr J Gunda (ID; Northern Cape) voiced his support for the recommendations in the report and advised that the Committee should ensure that they were followed up on. It was the Committee’s responsibility to ensure that the recommendations were being taken seriously.

Mr A Matila (ANC; Gauteng) endorsed the recommendations and supported Mr Gunda’s suggestion that they be implemented.

Mr D Bloem (COPE; Free State) highlighted that the recommendations lacked timeframes. Timeframes were essential to ensure that the recommendations were carried out.

Mr T Byleveldt (DA; Western Cape) commented that the Committee needed to approve the report as expeditiously as possible so that it could carry out its oversight work. It was essential that the Committee not take a complacent attitude towards municipalities which were key to ensuring delivery at a ground level. 

The Chairperson agreed with Mr Byleveldt’s points but said that the Committee was subject to higher powers which determined who conducted oversight trips and on what dates.

Mr Gunda agreed with Mr Byleveldt’s sentiments. He added that the Committee might be allowed to undertake oversight trips in the third quarter of parliament.

Mr Bloem said that the conclusion of the report needed to be amended to include the Committee’s views on the South African Local Government Association (SALGA).

Mr Matila said that the report should include some mention of municipalities which were under administration.

Mr Byleveldt said that it was important that provincial executive councils take on the task of training new councillors and the Committee should get feedback on progress made.

The Chairperson said that the suggestions were useful and would be important to remember in the Committee’s future engagements.
The Committee adopted the report with amendments. 
Discussion on Local Government Municipal Systems Amendment Bill [B22-2010]
The Chairperson said that although it was not officially on the Committee’s agenda, it was important to reflect on the Bill.

Mr Matila said that it was problematic that the Bill had not yet been signed even though it had been produced prior to the local government elections. He was aware that the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) had voiced its opposition to the Bill. There were people opposed to the Bill being signed because they wanted to protect their own interests rather than the interests of the country.

Mr Gunda commented that he did not understand why the Bill was yet to be signed by the President. It would be an essential part of the work of municipalities which would work to curb corruption.

Mr Byleveldt said that he knew that the Bill had reached the President but that he was “applying his mind to it”. The President could not be forced or rushed into signing the Bill.

The Chairperson said that in his view the Bill did not encroach on any municipal worker’s rights and should be signed. He said that the issue should be raised at a higher forum to get more clarity on why the Bill had not been signed.

Committee Report on strategic plan and Budget vote of Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
The Chairperson tabled the report for consideration.

The Chairperson said that the report should include a section on the issues affecting the Khoisan people.

Mr Matila commented that the report should include mention of the issues affecting the Department of Traditional Affairs. Timeframes needed to be placed on recommendations in the report so that tangible change could be monitored.

Mr Gunda said that the Khoisan issue needed to be seriously addressed as their situation was becoming increasingly alarming in the Northern Cape. The Khoisan needed to be given proper recognition by the Department and receive assistance. Lastly, he suggested that the report should include mention of the payment of salaries to employees in the Department.

The Chairperson recalled that the Department had said that it would report back on salaries and payments at a future meeting scheduled with the Committee, therefore the issue did not need to be included in the report.
Mr B Nesi (ANC; Eastern Cape) suggested that the Committee should have a meeting with the Khoisan people to assess their problems.

The Chairperson noted the proposal.

Mr Gunda and Mr Bloem supported Mr Nesi’s proposal.
The Committee adopted the report with amendments.

Committee Report on strategic plan and budget vote of Department of Public Service and Administration
The Chairperson tabled the report for consideration.

Mr Bloem said that the Committee should have more time to interact with the Department in future meetings.

Mr Byleveldt agreed with Mr Bloem’s comment and said that the limited time provided for interaction was a hindrance to the Committee and its need to carry out sound oversight.

The Chairperson concurred and said that the Department was important to the country and the Committee owed it to the people to properly assess outstanding issues affecting the Department and would in future insist on more interaction time. He voiced his displeasure at the large size of some department delegations that came before the Committee as they represented unnecessary expenditure. He voiced his dissatisfaction at not being able to interact with the Ministers of Departments on some occasions when they had to be in other locations.
The Committee adopted the report with amendments.

The meeting was adjourned.


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