SC Trade and International Relations: Formal consideration and adoption of Committee Strategic Framework 2011

NCOP Economic Development & Trade

21 March 2011
Chairperson: Mr D Gamede (ANC, KwaZulu-Natal)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee formally considered and adopted its draft Committee Strategic Framework for 2011.

Meeting report

The Chairperson stated that the Draft Committee Strategic Framework 2011 document was a compilation of issues that had arisen out of the Committee’s Strategic Planning Session that was held in Caledon. The Committee had made additions and subtractions and the document was a final product of all those inputs.

He requested the Committee Researcher, Mr Abdullah Ganief, to take the Committee through the document. The document comprised of six parts. Part 1-5 provided an overview of what government wished to achieve, what Parliament wished to achieve and what the Committee wished to achieve. Part 6 was the crux of the document and contained the oversight priorities of the Committee and was the points which Members had focussed on during the Committee’s Planning Session.

The Committee unanimously adopted the draft Committee Strategic Framework for 2011.

The Chairperson referred to page 5, line 2 of the document and stated that inputs from provinces and local government should be obtained with greater effort by the Committee.

The meeting was adjourned.


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