Science and Technology Portfolio Committee: Committee Programme

Science, Technology and Innovation

22 February 2011
Chairperson: Mr N Ngcobo (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee briefly considered and adopted the first and second term programme. Members concerns were included late presentations of Strategic Plans by the Entities. They could not understand the reasoning behind the late budget hearings in June when the Budget of the Department would have been passed already.

Meeting report

Committee Programme
The Chairperson noted that the Committee was pressed for time as Members had to go to another meeting in 30 minutes. As a result, he wasted no time and went through the draft programme page by page.

Ms N Shin (DA) questioned the logic behind holding budget hearings in June when the Budget Vote for the Department would have already been passed by that time. She also felt that the Entities should try and present their strategic plans at an earlier date.

The Chairperson explained that the current Parliament had put an emphasis on training Members concerning the Budget Review and Recommendation Report to ensure that Members had skills to interrogate the budget.

Ms S Molao (COPE) moved for the adoption of the programme and Ms M Dunjwa (ANC) seconded this motion.

The meeting was adjourned.


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