Education and Recreation Select Committee: Outstanding Minutes

NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries

23 November 2010
Chairperson: Ms M Makgate (ANC; North West)
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Meeting Summary


The Committee met to consider and adopt outstanding minutes. Six were approved with amendments while no changes were made to the remaining ones.

Meeting report

Consideration and Adoption of Outstanding Minutes
The Chairperson tabled several outstanding minutes for consideration. She noted that the Committee could not deal with these earlier as it was busy with other commitments.
Mr M De Villiers (DA; Western Cape) proposed that in future the Committee adopt minutes from previous meetings at the end of its meetings rather than leave all the adoption to the end of the parliamentary term.

Ms D Rantho (ANC; Eastern Cape) agreed with this suggestion.

The Committee went through each of the 8 minutes individually. The minutes dated 6 August, 11 August, 26 August, 1 September, 20 October and 27 October were approved with minor amendments. The minutes dated 28 July and 16 September were adopted with no changes.

The meeting was adjourned.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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