Select Committee on Trade and International Relations: Preparations for study Tour & Oversight Report

NCOP Economic Development & Trade

01 June 2010
Chairperson: Mr D Gamede (ANC, KZN)
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Meeting Summary

Members briefly discussed the preparations for the study tour to the Peoples Republic of China. The purpose of the tour was to look at mining beneficiation, renewable energy and how the nationalised mines were working In addition, they considered and adopted an outstanding report and two sets of minutes.

Meeting report

Preparations for study tour
Mr K Sinclair (Northern Cape, COPE) suggested that the Committee should be briefed on progress regarding the study tour to China.

Mr F Adams (ANC, Western Cape) explained that the Committee would be going on a study tour. The delegation would consist of six members from the ruling party and four from the opposition parties. The two committees that would participate in the study tour were the Select Committee on Economic Development and the Select Committee on Trade and International Relations. Each committee had to submit five names for preparation purposes.

Ms E Van Lingen (DA, Eastern Cape) suggested that the people responsible for organising the trip should look for the cheapest travelling fares so that they could accommodate more people.

The Chairperson replied that the preparations were in progress and the Committee would be duly informed about any developments.

Mr A Lees (DA, KZN) said that all Members who would be travelling would need a travel itinerary.

The Chairperson agreed and said that it would be forwarded to all the relevant Members.

Mr Adams mentioned that the Chinese Embassy had been assisting them with accommodation, travel costs, land travel and other logistics. The purpose of the tour was to look at mining beneficiation, renewable energy and how the nationalised mines were working.

The Chairperson added that they would be looking at things like the China-Africa Development Fund, the Chinese Planning Commission, co-operatives and affordable housing.

Ms Van Lingen suggested that the Committee should look at the Chinese Labour Policy.

The Committee agreed.

Adoption of Minutes
The Chairperson tabled two sets of minutes for consideration. These were dated 5 March and 14 April 2010. Both were approved without any amendments.

Adoption of the North West Report
The Chairperson went through the report and invited Members to comment on it.

The report was formally adopted with minor amendments.

The meeting was adjourned.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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