Consideration & Adoption of Western Cape 2007/08,KZN, Eastern Cape Municipality Performance Committee Report

NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration

03 May 2010
Chairperson: Mr M Mokgobi (Limpopo, ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met briefly to consider and adopt two reports on the performance of municipalities in the Western Cape and Kwa-Zulu Natal. The Committee postponed the adoption of its report on the Department of Public Services and Administration’s budget.

Meeting report

Performance report of Kwazulu-Natal municipalities 2007/8
The Chairperson tabled the report for consideration. Also, he noted that the Committee had visited three municipalities in the province and that separate reports (for each municipality) were expected at a later stage.

Members corrected all the minor grammatical errors and then adopted the report.

Performance report on Western Cape Municipalities 2007/8
The Chairperson tabled the report for consideration. In addition, he reminded Members that the MECs (MEC for Housing) report still had to be adopted by the Committee.

Mr H Mokgobi (ANC; Limpopo) pointed out that the City of Cape Town had outstanding issues to discuss with the Committee concerning the toilets that were built without walls by the city.

Mr L Nzimande ((ANC; Kwazulu-Natal), Committee Whip, advised Members that the matter would be left for the time being as the MEC had been instructed to compile a report that would be handed to the Committee.

Members corrected all the minor grammatical errors and then adopted the report.

Committee Report on Department of Public Services and Administration budget
The Committee postponed the adoption of this report.

The meeting was adjourned.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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