Preparations for hearings on strategic plan and budget vote of the Department of Public Enterprises

Public Enterprises

24 March 2010
Chairperson: Ms M Mentor (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met to consider the strategic plan and budget vote of the Department of Public Enterprises. In terms of the Money Bills Act, Parliament was no longer confined to being able to only vote for or against the Budget. It now had the authority and statutory obligation, amongst other things, to consider the fiscal framework, the Division of Revenue Bill and the Appropriations Bill, and to make amendments were deemed appropriate and hold public hearings on all three. Given this, the Committee decided to arrange hearings with stakeholders so that they could participate in the process and help to interrogate the Department’s plans and budget. Members agreed to have the budget vote hearings on 9 and 10 April 2010

Meeting report

Consideration of the Budget Vote
The Chairperson noted that in terms of the Money Bills Act, there were new procedures that the Committee needed to follow as far as the budget vote process was concerned. It gave Parliament wider powers over the budget process and outcome. No longer was Parliament confined to being able only to vote for or against the Budget. It now had the authority and statutory obligation, amongst other things, to consider the fiscal framework, the Division of Revenue Bill and the Appropriations Bill, and to make amendments were deemed appropriate and hold public hearings on all three.


Given this, she proposed that the Committee arrange for hearings with stakeholders so that they could participate in the process and help to interrogate the Department’s plans and budget. The stakeholders must include members of the public as well as experts.


Mr L Greyling (ID) asked whether the Committee would invite members of the public or advertise so that anybody could attend and participate.

Mr M Mangena (AZAPO) suggested that the Committee advertise the opportunity instead of inviting or hand-picking a few people.

The Chairperson agreed that the safest way was to advertise. The advert must be put out later that day as the Committee did not want to be accused of late advertisement.

Mr G Koornhof (ANC) said that the groupings, stakeholders or members of the public who were allowed the opportunity must be legitimate organisations.

Members agreed to have the budget vote hearings on 9 and 10 April 2010. They would then consider the report on 13 and 14 April because the Committee had to report to Parliament on the process by 15 April 2010. That could be done a day before the actual budget vote.

The meeting was adjourned.



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