Agriculture Portfolio Committee Report Department Budget


22 March 2010
Chairperson: Mr M Johnson (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee postponed the adoption of its Budget Vote Report, Oversight Report and outstanding minutes. Members briefly discussed the preparations for their meeting with the Land Bank. The Chairperson felt strongly that the Committee should advise the entity on what areas it should focus on as Members did not want to waste time listening to a long and vague presentation. It was agreed that the Committee Secretary would correspond with Members about the final arrangements made for the meeting. The Committee Secretary was asked to inform the Committee Researcher to compile background information on Land Bank so members could be well prepared for the meeting.


Meeting report

Consideration of Budget Vote 25 Report

The Chairperson tabled the report for consideration.

Members made minor technical amendments to the report and postponed its adoption until the next meeting.

Ms M Mabuza (ANC) proposed that at the next meeting, the Committee should simply adopt the report and not to do corrections again.

Mr N Du Toit (DA) disagreed with this suggestion and pointed out that that some Members might want to give further inputs about the report. He cited that Mr L Bosman (DA), who was absent at the meeting due to his flight being delayed but was present when the Budget was presented to the Committee, would probably have something to contribute.

The Chairperson replied that all Members who wanted to give further inputs had to forward them to the Committee Secretary before the next meeting so that the Committee did not have to discuss the report again.

The adoption was postponed.


Consideration of Outstanding Minutes

The Committee deferred the adoption of outstanding minutes to their next meeting.


Consideration of Oversight Report

The Committee postponed the adoption of the report as they did not have enough time to go through it.


Preparations for meeting with the Land Bank

The Chairperson reminded Members that the Committee had written a letter to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, to notify her about their intention to meet with the Land Bank. Given that the Committee had specific concerns, it was suggested that the entity should be advised about what issues to focus on for this engagement. The meeting was tentatively scheduled for 29 March 2010 in Pretoria.


Ms E Pilusa-Mosoane (ANC) asked why the meeting had been postponed to that date.


The Chairperson explained that Land Bank was not ready to meet with the Committee earlier than that date.


Mr Du Toit argued that the Land bank ought to know what to present to the Committee. The entity must brief the Committee about their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, problems and challenges.


The Chairperson believed that the presentation should focus on specifics as Members did not want to waste time listening to a long and vague presentation.


Mr S Abram (ANC) reminded Members that the Land Bank still needed to respond to questions that were asked at their last meeting with the Committee. In addition, he agreed that the meeting should take place on 29 March 2010.


Ms M Pilusa-Mosoane (ANC) suggested that Members should sleep over in Pretoria so that they could discuss other matters that concerned them.


Mr R Cebekhulu (IFP) proposed that arrangements be made for Members to fly from their respective provinces and meet in Pretoria.


The Committee agreed that the Committee Secretary would correspond with Members about the final arrangements made for the meeting.


The Committee Secretary was also asked to inform the Committee Researcher to compile background information on the Land Bank so that Members would be well prepared for the meeting.


The meeting was adjourned.





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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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