Finance Select Committee: Committee programme & outstanding reports

NCOP Finance

09 February 2010
Chairperson: Mr C De Beer (ANC) and Mr E Chaane (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committees considered and adopted its outstanding reports and minutes. Members also approved the programme, which was subject to change in the future.The programme was adopted but subject to further necessary changes. All the reports except on health were adopted without amendments. All the minutes from previous meetings were adopted

Meeting report

Consideration of Committee Programme
The Committee met to discuss among other things, the Committee programme which had been drafted and forwarded to all the Members in advance. Concerns were raised that some of the dates on the programme clashed with the opening of Provincial Legislatures and hence that could result in the Committee missing some Members who would be attending the work of their respective Provincial Legislatures.

Mr De Beer commented that clashes were inevitable but individual Members needed to consult with their respective Committee whips to see if a compromise could be reached.

Mr D Bloom (COPE) said he had had an opportunity to read through the programme and suggested that Members adopt the proposal on condition that it would changed if need be in future.

Mr B Mashile (ANC) accepted the move to adopt the programme but was not comfortable with the proposal that the programme be subject to change. There was a need to have a fixed programme in order to allow for certainty and planning.

Mr De Beer assured Mr Mashile that he and the co-chairperson would not change anything in the programme without the co-operation and consultation of other members of the Committee.

The programme was adopted subject to necessary changes that may arise in future.

Adoption of outstanding reports
Mpumalanga Oversight visit report
The Committee was satisfied that the report had captured the proceedings correctly and adopted it without amendments.

First Quarter Reports:
The Committee considered and adopted four first quarter reports. The Education report was adopted without amendments. The reports on Public Works and Arts and Culture were adopted subject to inclusion of the date and names of members who were present at the meeting. An amendment was made to clause 3.2.2 of the Health report.

Committee Minutes
The Committee adopted, without amendments, the outstanding minutes from the previous year. These minutes were dated of 30 October 2009, 12 November 2009 and 13 November 2009.

The meeting was adjourned.


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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