Discussion on Oversight Visits to Eastern Cape & KwaZulu-Natal & Third Term Committee Programme

NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries

06 October 2009
Chairperson: Ms M Makgate (ANC, North West)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee considered and adopted four set of minutes. The minutes adopted were those dated 5, 19, and 26 August 2009 as well as 16 September 2009. The first set was adopted without any changes with the last three sets adopted with minor amendments. The Committee also considered and approved its third term programme. Members agreed that a briefing by the Department of Education on its rural strategy should be included in the plan. Finally, Members discussed some of the logistical arrangements associated with the planned oversight trips to the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. Long travelling times and travelling distances between areas were factors that needed to be taken into consideration. The Committee was still awaiting approval from the Chief Whip for the planned trips.

Meeting report

Consideration and Adoption of Outstanding Committee Minutes
The Chairperson placed the minutes of 5 August 2009 before the Committee for consideration. Members adopted the minutes without any changes.

In addition, the minutes of 19 August 2009, 26 August 2009 and 16 September 2009 were also tabled for consideration. All three sets of minutes were adopted with minor amendments.

Consideration and Adoption of Third Term Committee Programme
The Chairperson tabled the Third Term Committee Programme for consideration.

Members agreed that a briefing by the Department of Education on its rural strategy should be included in the programme.

The programme was adopted as amended.

Discussion on Oversight Visits to the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal
The Committee discussed its planned oversight visits to the Eastern Cape (EC) and KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). The Chairperson asked the Committee Secretary, Mr Mzuyanda Dlanga, to enlighten Members about the areas to be visited.

Mr Dlanga explained that the places to be visited were roughly 100km apart, so there was a fair bit of travelling involved. The Committee would spend two days in the EC and two days in KZN. An application had been submitted to the Chief Whip regarding the trip. The outcome would be communicated to the Members later in the day.

Mr M De Villiers (DA, Western Cape) pointed out that Sterkspruit was more or less 90 km from where Members would be residing. From Sterkspruit to Burgersdorp was another 100 km.

The Chairperson said that travelling time had to be taken into consideration given the huge distances between areas. She was concerned that all the travelling would cut into the time set aside for interactions with stake holders and affected communities. As a result, she requested Mr Dlanga to seriously look at time issues when planning the trip.

Mr Dlanga mentioned that he had written to the relevant Provincial Legislatures requesting that they accompany the Committee on their visits. No response had been received thus far. It was important that the visits were scheduled for the appropriate time so that they did not clash or conflict with the activities or programmes of the provinces.

The Chairperson asked whether the Committee would be debriefed by the Members of the Executive Councils (MECs) in the EC.

Mr Dlanga responded that debriefing would only take place in KZN.

The meeting was adjourned.


  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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