Social Services Select Committee: adoption of Committee Minutes

NCOP Social Services

31 August 2009
Chairperson: Ms R Rasmeni (ANC; North West)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee met to consider and adopt the minutes of previous meetings. The Committee did not discuss their strategic plan as some Members had not attended the workshop and needed time to study the report. Members also briefly discussed a few housekeeping issues.

Meeting report

Consideration and Adoption of Committee Minutes dated 18 August 2009 and 25 August 2009
The Chairperson tabled the Minutes of the previous meetings dated 18 August 2009 and 25 August 2009.

Members corrected a few minor errors but were generally satisfied that the minutes accurately captured the proceedings.

Accordingly, the Committee adopted both set of minutes subject to amendments.

Report on the Committee’s Strategic Plan
The Chairperson noted that this was a draft report and asked Members to go through it as some of them did not attend the strategic planning workshop and were not familiar with the issues that were discussed.

A member enquired whether the Committee would be discussing the report now.

The Chairperson clarified that Members would be given an opportunity to study the document. She added that the intention was for Members to keep the report and to comment on it in writing or orally at the next meeting.

Discussion on Oral Reply Questions
The Chairperson notified Members that she had received a text message the previous Friday, stating that all Chairpersons of the Social Cluster Committees must submit oral reply questions (from their Committee) to the Office of the Chief Whip by today as the Minister of Social Development was expected to respond to these the following day. She therefore urged all Members to submit their questions to her office by noon that day, so that she could then forward them in time to the Office of the Chief Whip.

Mr S Plaatjie (COPE; North West) mentioned that he had received notification, indicating that the closing date for questions was in fact the following day at noon.

The Chairperson requested that all questions be submitted to her office before the end of the day.

Miscellaneous Matters
Mr T Mashamaite (ANC; Limpopo) asked if Members of Parliament should be noted as the Honourable (the Hon.) for reporting purposes.

The Chairperson replied that Members should be referred to by their proper title- the Hon.

An official explained that there had been a workshop earlier in the year concerning the protocol of parliament. One of the items that was discussed was how Members should be addressed. It was suggested that Members should be addressed as Mr or Mrs by parliamentary staff and between Members the term Honourable should be used.

The Chairperson said that the matter needed to be clarified further with the Office of the Chief Whip and she would report back to the Committee on their discussion.

Ms M Boroto (ANC; Mpumalanga) commented that she had only received her documents very late on Friday and needed more time to peruse them.

The Chairperson commented that documents were sent via e-mail which was the quickest way and that the manual scripts should be sent (to Members) at least two working days prior to the meeting.

A Member cautioned that not all Members were familiar with how to operate email and would rather be provided with the hard copies instead.

The Chairperson stated that the Committee Secretary would continue to supply Members with manual documents as well as electronic copies.

Mr M De Villiers (DA; Western Cape) reported that he had received the documents on Thursday via e-mail. He thanked the Committee Secretary for her efficiency and hoped that she would continue in this manner.

The Chairperson reminded Members that the NCOP Provincial Week would take place next week.

Ms Boroto informed Members that the debate that was scheduled for the next day had been cancelled.

The meeting was adjourned


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  • We don't have attendance info for this committee meeting

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