Co-Generation of Electricity: Comment deadline 19 July

Call for comments opened 10 July 2013 Share this page:

Electricity and Energy

Comment: Cogeneration of Electricity

The Portfolio Committee on Energy invite interested institutions, organisations and interested individuals to make written submissions relating to the cogeneration of electricity, as part of augmenting sustainable supply of electricity.

Cogeneration, also known as the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is the simultaneous generation of electricity and useful thermal energy from a common fuel/energy source. In the South African context, cogeneration also refers to the production of electricity and useful heat from a fuel/energy source which is a co-product, by-product, waste product or residual product of some underlying industrial process. It differs from conventional generation in that it is coupled with an industrial process of the host plant (NERSA, 2011).

Cogeneration projects can contribute approximately 3500 MW of electricity generation, thus enhancing South Africa's energy security. Environmental benefits associated with cogeneration include, amongst others, reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, as less fuel is burned to produce each unit of energy output. It is against this background that the Portfolio Committee on Energy invites stakeholders to make submissions relating to the cogeneration of electricity.

Public hearings will be conducted at Parliament on Thursday, 25 July 2013.

Submissions can be sent to the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Energy, Hon S.J. Njikelana, for the attention of the Committee Secretary, Mr Arico Kotze, and posted to P.O. Box 15, Cape Town 8000, or e-mailed to [email protected] or faxed to 086 505 5618 by no later than 12:00 on Friday, 19 July 2013. Individuals must indicate if they would like to make an oral presentation to the Committee.

Enquiries may be directed to Mr A. Kotze on tel. 021 403 3662, cell: 083 709 8470, fax: 086 5055 618, or e-mail: [email protected]