Child Justice Amendment Bill [B32–2018]

Call for comments opened 23 October 2018 Share this page:

Submissions are now closed (since 02 November 2018)

Justice and Constitutional Development

The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services invites you to submit written comments on the Child Justice Amendment Bill [B32–2018].

The purpose of the Child Justice Amendment Bill is to amend the Child Justice Act, 2008, so as to:
▪ Amend a definition;
▪ Further regulate the minimum age of criminal capacity;
▪ Further regulate the provisions relating to the decision to prosecute a child who is 12 years or older but under the age of 14 years;
▪ Further regulate the proof of criminal capacity;
▪ Further regulate the assessment report by the probation officer;
▪ Further regulate the factors to be considered by a prosecutor when diverting a matter before a preliminary inquiry;
▪ Further regulate the factors to be considered by an inquiry magistrate when diverting a matter at a preliminary inquiry;
▪ Further regulate the orders that may be made at the preliminary inquiry;
▪ Amend wording in order to facilitate the interpretation of a phrase;
▪ Further regulate the factors to be considered by a judicial officer when diverting a matter in a child justice court; and
▪ Provide for matters connected therewith.

Public hearings will be held in Parliament.  

Comments can be emailed to Mr. V Ramaano at [email protected] by no later than Friday, 2 November 2018

Please note submissions and your indication to make oral presentation must be received by no later than Friday, 2 November 2018

For Public hearings' dates and enquiries please contact Mr V Ramaano on tel (021) 403 3820 or cell 083 709 8427

Issued by the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services