Issue Paper 34 Project 100E – Review of Aspects of Matrimonial Property Act

Call for comments opened 30 August 2018 Share this page:

Submissions are now closed (since 16 November 2018)

Justice and Constitutional Development

The South African Law Reform Commission (SALRC) invites you to comment on the Issue Paper 34 Project 100E – Review of Aspects of Matrimonial Property Act.

The South African Law Reform Commission (SALRC) was established by the South African Law Reform Commission Act 19 of 1973. The main object of the SALRC, in terms of section 4 of the South African Law Reform Commission Act 19 of 1973, is to do research with reference to all branches of the law in order to make recommendations for the development, improvement, modernisation or reform of the law of South Africa on a continuous basis.

The Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984 was passed in order to address certain shortcomings in the law at the time. The Act has been in place for more than 30 years. Apart from certain ad hoc issues, which have been brought to the attention of the Commission, a number of social and legal changes since 1984 suggest that a review of the law with regard to matrimonial property is necessary to ensure that it meets current needs.

Publication of the issue paper for comment is the first step in this investigation. The main purpose of the paper is to establish the extent of the review necessary.

Comments can be emailed to Ms P Padayachee at [email protected] by no later than Friday, 16 November 2018.

Enquiries can be directed to Ms P Padayachee on tel (012) 622 6311