National Health Laboratory Service Amendment Bill

Call for comments opened 26 June 2018 Share this page:

Submissions are now closed (since 01 August 2018)

NCOP Social Services

The Select Committee on Social Services invites interested people and stakeholders to submit written comments on the National Health Laboratory Service Amendment Bill

The Amendment Bill seeks:

To amend the National Health Laboratory Service Act, 2000, so as to define certain expressions and to amend or delete certain definitions; to make the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000, applicable to the National Health Laboratory Service; to adjust the objects and duties of the National Health Laboratory Service; and to strengthen the governance and funding mechanism of the National Health Laboratory Service; and to provide for matters connected therewith. 

Written presentation must be received by no later than 12:00 on Wednesday, 01 August 2018.

Enquiries, as well as written submissions, can be directed to: Ms Marcelle Williams at [email protected] or 021 403 3799

Track the progress of the Bill here