Legal Practice Amendment Bill [B11 – 2017]

Call for comments opened 03 July 2017 Share this page:

Submissions are now closed (since 28 July 2017)

Justice and Constitutional Development

The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services invites you to submit written submissions on the Legal Practice Amendment Bill [B11 – 2017]:

The purpose of the Legal Practice Amendment Bill is to:
▪amend the Legal Practice Act, 2014, so as to further regulate the prescription of the areas of jurisdiction of the Provincial Councils;
▪provide that only practising legal practitioners may perform certain acts or render certain services;
▪further regulate the duties of banks in respect of trust accounts;
▪further regulate the duration of the National Forum on the Legal Profession;
▪further provide for the functions of the National Forum on the Legal Profession;
▪further provide for the dissolution date of the law societies; and
▪provide for matters connected with it.

Comments can be emailed to Mr V Ramaano at [email protected] by no later than Friday, 28 July 2017

Submissions must be received by no later than 28 July 2017. Please indicate your interest in making a verbal presentation. Public hearings will be held in Parliament.

For Public hearings' dates and enquiries please contact Mr V Ramaano on tel (021) 403 3820 or cell 083 709 8427

Issued by Hon. Dr Mathole Motshekga, MP, Chairperson: PC on Justice and Correctional Services

The Legal Practice Act, 2014 (Act No. 28 of 2014) (‘‘the Act’’), was enacted by Parliament in order to provide a legislative framework for the transformation and restructuring of the legal profession and to facilitate and enhance an independent legal profession that broadly reflects the diversity and demographics of the Republic. The Act was assented to on 20 September 2014 but only Chapter 10, which deals with the National Forum on Legal Profession (‘‘the National Forum’’) and transitional provisions, has been promulgated and came into operation on 1 February 2015.