African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation Draft Bill

Call for comments opened 22 January 2016 Share this page:

Submissions are now closed (since 22 March 2016)

Mineral and Petroleum Resources

The Department of Mineral Resources has published the draft African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation Bill 2015, and is asking you to comment.

The Bill seeks to:
▪ provide for the establishment of the African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation to acquire and develop permits, rights (prospecting and/mining) and any other interest granted to the Corporation in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002) on behalf of the State;
▪ provide for the objects and functions of that Corporation;
▪ provide for the constitution of its board and the management thereof;
▪ provide for its finances;
▪ provide for appointment of its chief executive officer and staff.

Comments can be emailed to Ms Sibongile Malie at [email protected] by no later than Tuesday, 22 March 2016.