23 June 2024

Celebrate World Parliament Day: Reviewing the 6th Parliament's Legacy


Celebrate the International Day of Parliamentarism with us, in a dynamic webinar designed for everyone passionate about South Africa's democratic future. Join us for an engaging conversation as we reflect on the achievements and challenges of the 6th Parliament, and explore how the newly elected 7th Parliament can champion transparency, accountability, and public trust. Whether you're a concerned citizen, an active participant in civil society, or just curious about our government's future, this webinar offers a unique opportunity to be part of the conversation.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_udnpLeq5SXesTWq8ko9R6Q#/registration


About this blog

People's Assembly

"That week in Parliament" is a series of blog posts in which the important Parliamentary events of the week are discussed.

We host the latest posts of this blog, written by People's Assembly. You can find more on PA's blog.

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